Opening Day... Full of Suprises

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Well the opening day here in West Virginia was this past Saturday. The temperatures were great (highs in the lower 50's) however the wind was awful and it was down pour rain off and on , even had some hail. In the morning I saw 10 deer but let them all go, just does. My stands set up in a bedding area so they came in and bed down around me all morning. In the evening I headed to my stand on the edge of a thicket and a food plot. A nice sized doe and a little fawn came to about 10 yards of my stand. As all you fellow bow hunters know, it takes a lot of skill to get a shot off and go undetected in a stand on the edge of a field. The wind was awful again and the doe knew something was wrong but could not find me cool.gif. So finally I was able to draw back w/ her at about 30 yards away. Everything I did up to this point was picture perfect and then ..... GUT SHOT!! I sat in my stand for 20 min and then quietly left. We went back Sunday morning to find the deer 10 yards from my stand dead..... BUT was eaten to pieces. THe hide was ripped off, the entire guts were eaten and all we saw was a head and the rib cage w/ the fur hanging off, still connected to the neck of the deer. I guess the grimm reapers did their job b/c this deer was gut shot and bedded down 10 yards from my stand!! What an opening day grin.gif

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Re: Opening Day... Full of Suprises

Had a friend of mine shoot a buck the other day and went home for a few hours to let things settle down. He went back at 9 pm that night and saw the buck down with the coyotes all around it, just devouring it. He said he backed off and went back Monday and he found rib cage and bones but couldn't find the head or the antlers anywhere. Those dang coyotes!

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