Arroq Grain weight?

Guest kracey

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Guest kracey

I really dont know what an exceptable arrow weight would be. I am going to be shooting whitetail deer. My bow is set at 57 pounds draw weight. What would the arrow weight be for ideal hunting.

My arrows are 26.5 inches long and 7.5 (grains per inch) multiply that out and you get 199 Grains total.

If I use a 100 grain broadhead it =299 Grains total

If I use a 125 grain broadhead it =324 Grains total

I think even though its not much more the 125 grain setup would work better?

Anyone have any input on this?

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Re: Arroq Grain weight?

Well, you also forgot to add in the weight of your fletching, your nock and your insert. The shafts may weigh 7.5 gr. per inch, which will yield you a 199 shaft weight, but after adding on the fletching and other accessories I would guess yo to be closer to 240 grains for a finished arrow. Add the 100 grain head to that and you are shooting a 340 grain arrow, or a 365 grain arrow with a 125 head.

Most hunters prefer an arrow that weighs 6-7 grain per lb. of draw weight so.....

57x6= 342

57*7= 399

So with the 100 grain head you are right on the border, with the 125 you are right in the middle. Either of the 2 arrow weights will work fine. Shoot a good sharp broadhead, hit them in the vitals, and post pictures for us to look at!

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Re: Arroq Grain weight?

I know that Mathews requires a minimun of 5 grains per pound of draw, don't know about others.

Like PA said most hunters(unless addicted to speed) will prefer a heavier arrow. I myself shoot a 385grain arrow, 31" shaft, which is 35grains above the minimun at a 70 pound draw.

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Re: Arroq Grain weight?

if your shooting Goldtip Arrows you can go tot the Goldtip website and build your arrow on there.. it will also tell you FOC ( front of center )

then you will know for sure what total weight is.. or you can just weight it on a reloading scale or any digital scale that measures in grains...

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Re: Arroq Grain weight?

I tend to lean towards a heavier arrow and personally think 5 grains per pound as a little on the light side, especially for hunting. I shoot approximately 6.3 grains (total arrow setup) per pound and still get excellent speed with both of my bows. My Browning Apparition set at 86 lbs. launches a 540 gr. arrow (6.28 gr/lb) at 309 fps, and my Pearson Anaconda set at 70 lbs. pushes a 445 gr. arrow (6.36gr/lb) at 273 fps. The fact that I regularly hunt elk and black bear has some influence on my arrow weight decision.

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