Gobbling in Maine!


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Got up at 04:30 this morning to check some spots for some gobbling. BTW, it was 18 degrees at my house. At 5:20 I was heading up the road to one of my spots when a hen popped out of a swamp to cross the road. She ducked back in when I pulled over. I shut my truck off stepped out and what beautiful sounds I heard. There were hens cutting and yelping on both sides of the road and gobbles coming from 3 or 4 directions. Man was I pumped!. Didn't even have to use a call!. After enjoying that for a while, I headed to another spot about 10 minutes from there at an abandoned old farm. The sun was just peaking above the trees. Tried a crow call.....nothing. Took my Quaker Boy box call and didn't get thru a series of yelps when a thundering gobble cut me off not far from where the sun was peeking over the treestops. Man, what a beautiful morning! He gobbled a few more times and I left to check a few more spots further North. I not only found more birds, but I found a nice strut zone. Only problem is, Realtree hasn't come out with a camo pattern to match these surroundings. I need something black with yellow pinstripes!

See my post in the photography section.

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