Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls?

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Which do you guys prefer for predator hunting? Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls? Or a combination of both? I went out coyote hunting for the first time last night and had my Cass Creek Predator call with me and a Johnny Stewart Call that I have no idea what it does... It does make some nice pup yips and squeals. The Cass Creek Call had these calls on it:

Jack Rabbit Distress

Cottontail Distress

Coyote Howl

Pup Yips

Fawn Distress

I got in the shed around 5:45 pm. I sat until about 8:00. I would call about every 5 minutes once it got dark. I used every call except the Fawn Distress and Jack Rabbit Distress. I know the coyotes heard the calling because I heard them coming down off the mountain howling and barking... smile.gif But they would not come any farther than that. So now what I am asking is do you guys prefer Mouth Blown Calls over Electronic calls or vice versa?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest gobblergetter15

Re: Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls?

I like an electric call beacause you can always be ready to make the shot, and you can place the call where you want the coyote to go.

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Re: Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls?

I will tell you a little story that happend last year to me, I asked a rancher about coyote huntign and he said that there was 2 groups coyote huntign there all week and he was telling me abotu there fancy calls they had, he said they were electronic and small and the one hunter said the one cost over 400 bucks,they were back there 5 times that week and had coyotes coem for a alook but never got one,he said you are more than welcome to go in and give it a try but they just are not calling, I asked if I could leave the truck there and head back, I walked abotu 400 yards set up on a ridge overlooking 2 draws and started with a coupel howls and then went into a jackrabbit disress,wihtin 5 minutes looked to my left and a coyote was charging in,rolled him on thecharge at under 50 yards,went back to the truck thanked the rancher and showed him what good calling can do lol, drove to the farend of the pasture by coming around a few roads walked in and did 2 stands in there , I got 3 more coyotes, 4 coytes in a area that has been called all week by electronic with no sucess! I am not saying electronic are no good but I have hunted with electronic and soem of the best out there and I end up going to my mouth blown,wiht a open red call you can just get so many different sounds and eerythign does not sound exact and perfect, this will scare a warry coyote,plus I am a believer that once a coyote hearsa sound and is not shot he knows that sound and will not respond,this is the reason i have about 30 different calls and change up from time to time I call a area!

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Re: Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls?

Alright, I got this tip from one of my dad's friends... They said to make a recording of puppies in a kennel just before feeding time. The sound of the whimpering and crying and yipping is said to bring the yotes in. This is because the average yote has heard every call already.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Yotey

Re: Electronic Calls or Mouth Blown Calls?

I would say the mouth blow calls. I prefer the light weight. I usually carry one howler and a few different predator calls, jackrabbit, cottontail, and fawn distress.


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