Easter Plans?


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Re: Easter Plans?

Nothing. I played around with my treestands out in the back yard...wishing it was deer season. Took a swing set down because the kids are too big for it. Tried to move a picnic bench onto the patio but the GROUND IS FROZEN and SO IS THE BENCH so that didn't happen. Now I am in here sitting on my throne answering your question tongue.gif

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Re: Easter Plans?

Amen Steve!! No...I'm with ya on the church thing tongue.gif (obviously) and Harvdog posted he went too. My day was pretty much two services at church (wife and I sang a duet) then ate some ham watched some basketball then some Home Makeover and I too am now answering this question while sitting on the throne!! Had to be honest since TSBH put it out there already. grin.gif

Sorry gotta go....need my hands now shocked.gif

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Re: Easter Plans?


WHOA!!! am i the only one who started the day at church??? sure, with my family and their families, and then the day relaxing. this day isn't about the easter bunny, and candy. let's give the Lord his due!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, since you brought it up....... I can't remember the last Easter service I've been to.

You know what I find completely aggravating? I know it shouldn't, but it aggravates me. Our little town is busting at the seams and so is our little church. Our church has a 250 person capacity, and we regularly get 300 to every mass. Now on Christmas and Easter, that number swells to I'd say at least 400. What the heck? There's just something wrong with that. Obviously I'm not saying they should stay away, I'm saying, come every week, that way I know I'm not going to get a seat, or a parking spot, and the rest of the parish doesn't have to deal with pretentious people showing off their new Easter clothes. grin.gif

Now I have to go to confession. frown.gifgrin.gif

Well, we're building a new church soon, I got the fundraiser mailing the other day. The new church is supposed to accommodate 500, maybe I'll get a seat at those Easter services.

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