squirrl hunters

Guest big9ptbuck

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Re: squirrl hunters

I've hunted Squirrels since I was 12 years old, and still do! Next to Deer Hunting, Squirrel hunting is one of my favorite sports. Our Squirrel season opens August 15th and runs to January 31st. We have two species of Squirrels: Grey Squirrels and the larger Fox Squirrels.

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Re: squirrl hunters

Not much in the way of squirrel hunting here in the west (pine squirrels are a might on the small size, like red squirrels), but my early years growing up on the east coast have many fond memories of squirrel hunting. Let me add to the question and ask; shotgun or rifle (.22 of course)? I used mostly a shotgun but on occassion took out the trusty old .22. I limited my shots with the .22 to those on the ground, as I never thought much of shooting into the air with it. Great fun to be had.

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Re: squirrl hunters

Next to deer and turkey...squirrels are next in line. I love hunting for tree rats and they are good eating too. The best now is when I take the boys out for them. I still have to shoot them because they are not quite old enough yet but the time is coming when I can sit next to my boys and coach them as they shoot their first squirrel. My father and I used to squirrel hunt all the time. I l

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Re: squirrl hunters

I love hunting squirrels. It's the game animal I started out hunting as a youth and it's still one of my favorites. I remember many a day stalking through the woods with my dad scanning the tree tops for bushytails. Good memories that will last my entire life. I haven't been spending much time last few years doing the small game thing, been to busy with bowhunting, but this year I plan on making sure I do alot more squirrel hunting. Nothing better than squirrel stew...........

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: squirrl hunters

I deffinately love squirrel hunting. In my opinion I like squirrel hunting just as much as deer hunting (and until I started gun hunting and got my first deer, I liked squirrel hunting better). I clearly remember my first squirrel I shot. It was with a .22 and I was surprised I hit it. It was the first live thing I had ever shot at and when I pulled the trigger I think I closed my eyes, but when I opened them back up, my squirrel was tumbling out of the tree. The .22 is what I use to hunt squirrels with mostly, but I will shoot a squirrel with a shotgun when I am bird hunting, and when I do some late season hunting I take the shotgun out.

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Guest kracey

Re: squirrl hunters

I love squirrel hunting. Just another reason for me to be in the woods. It was the first hunting I did and worked my way to deer and now turkey and other things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: squirrl hunters

My dad started me squirrel hunting close to 17 years ago when i was 3. He would take me and let me shoot with a small bb gun, i still do it a little when not chasing whitetails, of course with a larger weapon. like BuffaloCounty said, for a real challenge, try hunting them with a bow, thats pretty exciting.

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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: squirrl hunters

Ive been at it since i was about 5 with a pellet gun. then upgraded to a Ruger 10/22 and have killed hundreds, maybe a thousand with that trusty ole Ruger.

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