Wisconsin walleyes are starting to get active.


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The ice just went off of the rivers last week down here, and already the fish are very active. Went out late last night with the son, and between 10:30 p.m til about daybreak, we got 9, and three went home with us. Caught a bunch of sheephead, and snagged a pile of carp. The biggest carp went about 25 pounds. Most of the ones we got appeared to be milkers, but the one smaller(20+ inches) spawner that we took home was already soft enough to drop in a couple of days. It is supposed to get in the 50's this week, and by next weekend, they should be starting the run. You folks further north should be getting going good soon.

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Re: Wisconsin walleyes are starting to get active.

Tip that baby with a medium or large fathead minnow next time, and you might improve your odds.

I'm probably going to be fishing the Wolf River for the next couple of weekends. That's where I get my biggg walleyes. I've got a few down here that were big, but I catch alot more of the big ones up there by New London. In that area, and emerald shiner on a hair jig is the ticket for slobb walleyes.

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