I am pumped!!


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Last year a new friend of mine brought me to a farm that he hunts for some late season action, and let me tell you, this farm is over run with the deer. Its over 5000 acres of crops, woods, swamps, thick nasty close to vertical stuff and I feel in love with the place as soon as we got there. I saw more deer in 8 hours of hunting then I did the whole year at the other farm that I hunt. I was lucky enough to tag a doe last year.

This year he told me that I could go on either sex days because they want to thin out the herd. I was excited by the invite. I asked him if there was anyway that I could maybe go during our M/L season and he said that it was doubtful.

Over this past weekend he called and asked if I wanted to go out to that farm to shoot and check one of his stands and I jumped at the chance. On the way out to the farm he asked if I was taking off the second week of our M/L season and I told him that I was. He told me that the only other guy that M/L hunts with him had surgery and won't be able to hunt this year. I wished his friend a speedy recovery and I hope that he is doing well. Then my friend droopped the bomb on me! He said that he really didn't like hunting by himself and that he was going to talk with the man that runs the farm and see if he can get permission for me to hunt that second week of M/L! cool.gifcool.gif I can't wait. I hope that I get permission. It's hard not to get my hopes up. I thanked him about 20 or 30 times and told him that I know that I would be there to thin the doe herd. He said well if you do that you may not see the buck that you are after. As long as the horns are wider then the ears. I told him that was no problem, I just wanted to see some deer and get a chance at a wall hanger. I don't hunt for horns anyway, but I would like at least one big deer during my lifetime. My buddy has killed a beautiful buck every M/L season on this farm for like the last 8 - 10 years, big, wide, plenty of mass and even a couple of drop tines! I should hear back from him in the next week or so. My fingers are hurting and it is hard to type because I have had them crossed since Saturday. crazy.gif

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get this off my chest.

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