I'm gonna be in a magazine!


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Yup. Does anyone receive Permission To Hunt's Ultimate Outdoors Magazine? I sent in a story of one of my squirrel hunts along with a picture and I got accepted! They sent me a prize pack. The prize pack came with two certificates. One certificate was for a Mathews Genesis and anothe for a dozen Easton Jazz Youth Arrows! How cool is that? The subscription to the magazine is free, so hurry up and sign up for it if you wanna see my ugly mug in the magazine.


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Re: I\'m gonna be in a magazine!

No. I just typed up the story to one of my hunts, sent in a pic with it and sent it to Outdoors Dan, he forwarded it to the Publisher, the Publisher emailed me asking for my name, address and phone number incase they use my story and pic. Then a few weeks later I received the certificates in the mail! tongue.gif

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