Easter Break, Time for horn huntin'


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Re: Easter Break, Time for horn huntin\'

March 29.

10 hours in the bush and in the river valley, and did very well.

3 skulls 130" 135" 155"

9 sheds, a few small ones, a couple 60 inchers, a 70 incher, and a neat 65" non typical with a drop tine, hopefully i can mind the match to it. Im goin out tomorrow and the next day, and man am i pumped! This adds to a dozen previously found. Im up to 21 now. Off to a great start. I'll have pics comin soon.

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Guest buckchaser

Re: Easter Break, Time for horn huntin\'

hope you find alot! i've found two so far once the snow melts in the woods it will make for better hunting!

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Re: Easter Break, Time for horn huntin\'

March 30.

5 hours in the river valley

6 sheds, including the biggest shed i've ever found- (83 3/8) typical. The antler is at least 3 years old and has ben there a while, but man is it huge. It was a pretty good day, walking in the river valley is always fun because of the senery, but tomorrow i will wear rubber boots lol

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Re: Easter Break, Time for horn huntin\'

April 1

Drove out to a buddies farm 4 hours west of where I live. He has a cattle ranch and the deer sneak into their feedlot and pig out every night, so i figured theres bound to be a few sheds layin around, either around the feedlot or near in the bush. As well, there are elk and moose in the area.

We had a hayday, shed hunting at its finest.

19 Sheds Total

3 Whitetail Sets

1 Moose Set

Nice 6x6 elk set back in the bush

One whitetail head that is 26" inside spread

What an unbelievable day, just unreal. The pics are comin soon. My total this year is at 46. Im taking today off since i had to drive all the way back home, and i'll be back out there tomorrow. Pretty soon the bears will be coming out, yikes.

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