Beginner at baitcasting, right or left hand?


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If you've never done it before, then either hand should work. I wish I could use a left handed reel, but I've spent so many years using right handed equipment that it just doesn't feel right to me.

A couple of tips to get started. The stiffer the rod, the more difficult it gets to cast. Try to learn on a medium action or something similar.

Set the tension on the reel (how tight it is when free spooling) so that the bait/lure will just barely pull off line when you press the spool release button.

Always rotate your wrist so that the reel spool is vertical to the ground. In other words, you should be looking at the back of your hand, not the top of your thumb, when casting.

Maintain a light pressure on the spool with your thumb when the line is going out.

Good luck, hope this helps.

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