Weekend trapping pics


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Re: Weekend trapping pics


Ok I'm ignorant! Clue me in.

So these things are wild and you can just trap them and keep them? Sell them?

Do you actually raise them tiny ones?

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Yes, they are wild/feral hogs and they can destroy anything they want. Tear up the fields you plant, the fences around the property, and flip feeders upside down if you don't have them tied/staked down.

They are very smart critters and harder to catch in a trap than most people think. You don't just sit a trap up and expect to catch a hog/hogs in the trap overnight.

Here in TX the only legal place to sell them is what we call a buying station who is buying the hogs for a company that butchers them and ships the meat overseas. Actually after you catch one if you are going to transport it somewhere else and turn it loose the legal way of doing it is to have a vet bleed the hogs for both brucellosis and psuedorabies and have the tests come back negative before releasing the hogs again.

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