Wisconsin Bowhunters


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Guest MattA311

Re: Wisconsin Bowhunters

Gonna be hittin it hard this weekend, I think it's a little early for those scents already if they're estrus scents. It's still pre-rut. Ratting should be super effective this weekend and i'm going to concentrate on that.

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Guest MattA311

Re: Wisconsin Bowhunters

I just talked to a buddy who was hunting this past weekend and said the Rut should be on in full force this weekend due to the colder than normal temps. Hmm.. interesting.

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Re: Wisconsin Bowhunters

I won't be out this weekend, but Monday and tues. Can't wait. I've only been out once, that in an EAB zone, didn't see a thing. But next week, I'll be up north, laugh.gif This is my 1st bow season in about 17yrs, so it should be fun. Acording to the moon phase, prime chase = 10/25 - 11/3, breed window = 11/4-11/17.

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  • 5 years later...


No, the rut will be in full force on the first week of November, as usual. Might be some hot & heavy pre-rut stuff going on, but I'd bet the breeding will be going full force as usual, in November.

i agree with you to a point. looking back at my records, it generally has always started right around early november. but just 3 years ago it was just getting going during the rifle season which is toward the end the end of the month and i was still catching it during the start of the post gun hunting bow season. im no scientist, just watch how it works here in deerbrook and summitlake wisconsin. then agian, in past years, we have had some deer to watch to see how things are going. i have rubs, but no scrapes as of so far, and have yet to see a deer during daylight hrs.

plenty of bear(had 2 come up my tree so far b4 noticing me and going back down) and several wolves and a few yotes.

between there natural predetors and our manmade ones who hold a public posistion, i dont think it will be long b4 we are all hunting the same, last, deer.

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I'm sure pre-rut has begun. I've seen several rubs and scrapes so i decided to do a little rattling and grunting when I went out last tuesday. I ended up shooting a 6 point about 15 min before dark. It was my first buck with a bow, now that its out of the way I can be more picky. I plan on going out this afternoon and trying some more rattling and grunting, but going lightly on it.

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I've had scrapes our land for over a month already. Last night I went out and hunted and check a couple scrapes on the way to my stand and they clearly have not been worked in a few days. I had two 2 1/2 year olds chasing a doe all over the place and I had a little guy wandering around trying to figure out what was going on! :D

The cooler weather coming in NEXT week will have it going on full bore, no doubt! Funny how that's when my yearly rut vacation always starts...;):cool:

Spend every second you can in the stand from the 1st to the 12th.

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We had a huge amount of scrapes and rubs pop up early in the month but activity has cooled off the last week or so. Has our cams over a few scrapes but there was nothing on them but a few little guys. The end of next week leading up to the full moon should be good but starting the middle of the first week of November should be prime time. I will be home from school the 6th, 7th and 8th.

Spend every second you can in the stand from the 1st to the 12th.

I second that!!!

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