Turkey hunting items FS....


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I want to buy some more goodies, but the wife gave me the "eye", so I figured I would clean out some of my turkey hunting items that I no longer use. All prices include shipping!

Item #1 for sale: Quaker Boy Quad threat slate call, comes with 1 purple heart striker...$9

Item #2 for sale: MAD calls...the super titanium, comes with 2 strikers...1 metal striker and 1 carbon striker...$9

Item #3 for sale: Briley extended choke tube...Rem Turkey for Hevi-shot...$20

Item #4 for sale: Mad Calls, Cherry Bomb box call...$15

Item #5 for sale: 2 things, Hunter's Specialties knee shooting pad. This straps to your leg to rest your gun on and its in advantage camo...with this is a very small compact pair of camo Tasco bino's (8X21)...$10

PM me or reply here if interested or have any questions. I have no pictures (no digital camera) but all items are in excellent shape! wink.gif

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Re: Turkey hunting items FS....

Last chance prices...

Items #1 & #2, both for $15 shipped

Item #3, $15 shipped...this choke tube is like new and sells for $39.99 at Bass Pro. It is non-ported and has Realtree Hardwoods camo on the end. Will handle Hevi-shot.

Item #4, This call is like new and it sells for $19.99 at Bass Pro. I'll let is go for $12 shipped.

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