deep fry turkey help

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Just got my deep fryer a couple weeks ago i've done two birds....first bird was burnt to a crisp and the meat wasnt cooked (but i figured out what i did wrong)

i did another one on easter sunday that turned out fairly well..the meat was GREAT .but i cant get the skin from turing black. i cooked it for 3 mins a lb for an 11.8 lb turkey between 325-350 how do i keep the skin from turning to a black crisp?? Its just the breast side of the bird and part of the legs the back and wings were a great golden color



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Re: deep fry turkey help

What kind of oil are you using? For best results use peanut oil and always use fresh oil, I'll only cook about 3 birds per batch of oil. Get your oil up to about 380, turn the burner off then slowly submerge the bird(it needs to be totally dry). The temp will drop a good 40-60 degrees, crank the burner back up and bring the oil back to temp. Birds below 15lbs you can cook at 350, above 15lbs, cook around 325.

Some people will rub the turkey down with olive oil or regular oil before submerging.

Are you injecting the bird or marinating it in anything?

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Re: deep fry turkey help


...if you are injecting it in the breast and thigh areas the marinade will burn prior to the bird being finished..

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So you are saying not to inject marinade if you are frying a turkey (for best results)?

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Re: deep fry turkey help

Injecting it will give it flavor ...There is not much you can do to keep it from turning real dark..(burnt) unless you take it out a few minutes sooner cover with foil and let it rest... It will continue cooking out of the oil. Then you will have a bird that is fully cooked and will have a nice presentation at the table.. cool.gif

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Re: deep fry turkey help

I always inject mine. But I let the bird rest for at least a coouple hours after injecting to let it absorb. Otherwise you get pockets of marinade and it will work out the injection sites and burn. I usually put them in the frig during this time. Also helps dry out the nukes and crannies which prevents boil overs. I agree that people let the oil get too hot. I usually get mine up to around 360 and try to keep the temp around 325. Color varies from golden to dark brown. Not the black your talking about though. Man they sure are good eating! laugh.gif

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Guest thegoat273

Re: deep fry turkey help

Here is how I do it, I have done approx 15 birds and they always turn out great. Get your oil up to 375, bring the temp up slowly, if you do it too fast you can burn the oil, this will give your bird a funny taste. I have injected mine and not injectied them. just play w/ it. I always put plenty of salt, pepper and garlic on and in the bird. Once you have your oil up to 375. SLOWLY!!!!!, put your bird in. I use two people utilizing a broom handle through the hanger and slowly lower it in. This is usually how people start their houses on fire because they drop it in, thus starting a grease fire. Once the bird is summerged, cook the bird for 3 1/2 per pound. Keep your temperature above 350 degrees. I do this regardless of how much the bird weighs. After the proper amount of time. take it out. They are great. Good luck to you and enjoy

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Re: deep fry turkey help

I believe that elevation matters when using one of the fryers. I have to run mine at 350 and 4 minutes a pound regardless of bird size and my birds turn out great. Keep the fryer out of the wind - it messes with the temp of the oil to much and put the bird in breast side down. The only time my bird hasn't turned out golden brown is when I used any type of garlic marinade, plus it did something to the oil, I don't know if it scorched it or what. Keep an eye on the temp and experiment with the minutes per pound. It took me several birds to figure it out, but you'll get it and then you won't eat oven baked turkey anymore. laugh.gif

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Re: deep fry turkey help

thanks for all the tips. we did another one today it was a really nice day......took the tv out on the back deck turned on the race drank some cold ones cooked the turkey and enjoyed the day.........i think i was letting my oil get to hot.......i cooked it a little longer at a lower temp as bayou suggested worked great finally got the golden color i was lookin for thanks again everybody


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