whats better


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Re: whats better

If you know how to work a mouth call, it can be very beneficial. It gives you the ability to call to the bird with very very little movement. I use them to finish bringing in the birds. But I ususally have a box or two in my pocket allong with a couple of slates and a tube call. You never know what sound the bird will like on any particular day.

I believe the box call gives you the ability to make a very good range of turkey sounds, easier than the other types of calls if you are just starting out.


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Re: whats better

In my honest opinion....a slate call. You can't beat the sound of a slate call when it comes to making clucks and purrs and I use it to yelp and cut with too. About the only time I use a mouth call anymore is to cut and make very soft yelps for close in work. A box call is also real handy and I honestly believe it makes a better sounding yelp than a mouth call but it is louder. Cuts are a lot louder on a box call too.

With that said I have one friend that almost always uses a box call and he consistantly kills turkeys. Another friend of mine uses both a box call and a slate call (mostly a slate call) and he also consistantly kills turkeys too. Neither one uses a mouth call.

To me the main advantage of a mouth call is there's no movement needed to call. They are also a lot more difficult to master than just about any other type of call. When I started turkey hunting I practiced with different mouth calls for 3 years before I had the confidence to use one calling turkeys. It's easy for me now but it sure didn't come easy. wink.gif

One more thing to consider is I'm hunting Eastern turkeys. The 2 times I hunted Merriam turkeys in New Mexico, they responded best to a box call. I've used just about everything in my turkey vest to hunt Rios and they all worked fine.

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Guest big9ptbuck

Re: whats better

I think u should go with both!! Because they both sound better. I have just started out with mouth calls and those work good! But my dad uses box calls and we got one in pretty close!!

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Guest kracey

Re: whats better

Whatever you can make the most variety of calls with and also which ever calls you sound the best with. But either way if you practice with both you should do fine. I personally dont think there is a best call.

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Re: whats better

It depends on whose using the mouthcall! grin.gif I almost exclusively use diaphram calls, they're versatile, you can make almost every call in the turkey vocabulary w/ practice, and all this with no movement. Although i carry a turkey vest full of box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, gobble shakers, and others. . . . its the diaphrams that do the work for me.

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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: whats better

Id say if youve never used a call before go with a box or slate call or both.Id go ahead and get a few mouth calls because youll never learn it unless you practice it.

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