Saskatchewan Shed Hunt 2005!


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Here are some pics of my Sask. Shed hunt! I met up with Sureshot from the forums and this guy took me out and showed me what shed hunting is all about!

Man, we had a great time and found some great sheds!

This first pic is of the kind of country we were searching in and just how easy it is to miss one of these sheds! A nice mulie shed indeed!

[image] 2339shedlay1-med.jpg[/image]

This second pic. is of a freshly shed antler! Notice the blood on the pedicle! Sureshot had these deer figured out and was in hot pursuit. When they dropped an antler he was there!

[image] 2339shedfresh-med.jpg[/image]

This pic shows a dandy 5 pt. whitetail shed just peaking out from under the snow! A day earlier and this guy would have been covered!

[image] 2339shedlay6-med.jpg[/image]

This final pic shows how well these sheds can blend in! I would have walked right past this dandy mulie shed but Bret noticed it! Man, they are awesome to find!

[image] 2339shednewshed-med.jpg[/image]

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