rem 870

lil hunter

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Guest DaHunter

Re: rem 870

I really like my 870 pump, but its only a smooth bore i paid 250 for that the rifled barrel one was allmost 300. Good guns for the price thats for sure!!!

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Re: rem 870

I have 2 870's. Actually one is my dad's but he doesn't hunt anymore. His 16 is a Wingmaster, and my 12 is an Express with a rifled barrel.

Quality gun, the best for fit and finish if you ask me. The length of pull is on the long side for me on Remingtons, but I've cut my Express down to fit me ok.

I think I got my Express for $179 about 6 or 7 years ago.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: rem 870

alot of your old timers says you dont own a shotgun if you dont have a 870. i own 8 of them and wont give them up. funny thing remington has had the same all arround style of guns for a long time ( HU, DONT CHANGE A GOOD THING, IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT) you dont see remington putting a 10 gauge bbl on there shotguns that ara 12 gauge.

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Guest kracey

Re: rem 870

I have a Winchester 1300 Universal hunter. It is a great gun. I got it for 350.00 + (cost of a scope). It is a great gun. I orginally looked at getting the new Remington SPS-T 870 pump, but that was to hard to get. But the Remington 870 and Winchester 1300 are great guns. Goodluck

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