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Today my gas gauge was on empty when I pulled into the walmart gas station. When the gas stopped pouring it was at $40 even. That's driving my F150 with a 22 gallon tank. I imagine the Yote has a 26 gallon tank will be much more painful. I'm not looking forward to that. blush.gifblush.gif

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Re: OOOUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my chevy has a 35 gal takes over $70 to fill it these days...the trick is to fill it then when it gets to 3/4 of a tank fill it up doesnt seem quite so expensive that

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Re: OOOUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man I hear that! Put $15 im my truck yesterday and I will need to get gas tomorrow. Before this major hike 20-25 would get me to work for a week. Im just glad I am not working in Tulsa anymore. I was already paying $15 a day. It would be over $20 now.

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