Scope mounts?

Guest DaHunter

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Guest DaHunter

Hey everyone i am new too the whole scope I was looking at weaver scope mounts and was wonderin how too determine which fit my gun, i have a browning gold 10 guage. I was at the cabelas website and i believe it said it fit everything which i am having a hard time believing. Well any info on these or where i can find a mount too fit my gun would be great. Thanks

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Scope mounts?

Ok guys great suggestions....but i think my gun is drilled and tapped for a scope, again not sure cuz i am dumb founded by scopes. It has 3 screws in the top where a scope would go, so thats tapped and drilled right? If not there is only one push pin for the saddle mount is that going too be enough too hold the mount still on a 10 guage? also any reliable scope suggestions under $100 would be perfect i am strictly turkey hunting with this gun.

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