mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale


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Re: mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale


I have a question for anyone . What kind of range can you get useing a slug gun with rifled slugs ?

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AJ in the shotgun room could help you more, but a shotgun with smooth bore and rifled slugs, maybe 50-75 yards. A shotgun with a rifled barrel and sabot slugs, maybe 100-150 yards. Hope this helps.

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Re: mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale


I have a question for anyone . What kind of range can you get useing a slug gun with rifled slugs ?

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The range you can get all depends on how much you shoot it, and what range you sight it in for.

I took a nice 8 point with mine at 175 yards. But I have shot mine thousands of times and have it sighted in at 125. I think ideal range is 125 and under.


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Re: mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale

My 12 gauge smoothbore 1100 with Brenneke slugs is accurate to 90 yards. After that it drops drastically.

With Sabots through a rifled barrel, I have watched deer drop at 175 or more yards.

I also have witnessed my cousin drop deer at over 175 yards with a smoothbore Winchester 12 Gauge with Brennekes.

Don't ask me exactly what makes his gun shoot that far, accurately, but seeing is believing. And, he does it at least once a year, or more, so it's not just a farce.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale

450 dollars? sorry bud it seems quite high, i just thought i would throw that out there for anyone considering it. maybe 250???

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Guest DaHunter

Re: mossburg 500 12 gauge slug gun for sale

Hey now its all good...he prolly just didnt know what too ask for it and its all been taken care of. Remember he didnt wanna get taken either.

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