Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year


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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

it really didn't matter to me either way. just enjoy being out there with the opportunity to shoot deer. should be some good bucks out there this year in last years eab units.

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

Since we weren't in an EAB, I have a question about it.

If a unit was EAB, you had to get a doe first before you got a buck, right? So, if you bowhunt, you kill a doe early season, could you kill a buck with a bow AND a gun? Or, would you have to get a doe with a gun first also before getting a buck?

Since I bowhunt and gunhunt, I wouldn't have a problem if we were EAB. I ususally shoot all the does I can.

I would think the biggest complaints were from gun-only hunters. Since they would have had to kill a doe first. We do need some does taken out of the herd. I think EAB is better than T-Zone. Or, eliminate the early T-Zone and run a 6-day hunt in December. The early one is just stupid. Ruins the rut for us bowhunters. mad.gif

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

Don't hold me to this but I believe if you got a doe early bow season you got an authorization sticker. You could then shoot a buck with the bow. If you were unable shoot a buck with the bow and gun season rolled around you could have shot a buck. That would be your buck you "earned" for your early season bow doe. Then come late bow season, you would have to had shot a doe during gun or shoot another doe with the bow.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

yes,wolff got it correctly. basically eab is just like it says, you have to shoot at least one doe before you can tag one buck. you could shoot two does early bow season to qualify for your two bucks for the bow and gun season.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

i have to ask this question chrud, how can EAB be better than t-zone ? EAB is the same thing as t-zone except you need to have your doe shot before a buck. they both have the oct. and dec. doe hunts. actually the whole purpose of the t-zone hunt in oct. was to let the gun hunters get their doe before the opening weekend of gun season when it was earn a buck . so when it is EAB it will be t-zone, but t-zone does not have to be EAB. does this change your thoughts at all , just curious?

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

The big problem I had last year, was that where I live(CWD reduction area), and up by Shawano..EAB-Tzone unit were confliting with each other. I shot a doe up north with my bow, which earned me a buck for up there. Then, I found out that I still had to shoot a doe down here to earn a buck tag! That was a crock of crap. They wanted to reduce the herd, but I had to earn a buck down here, after I already earned it up north. Now, where was the logic in that thinking? I sure didn't hesitate to let them know what I thought about it!

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

Because the timing of the T-Zone (early) is stupid! I would rather see EAB statewide than any T-Zones. Make them shoot a doe first. With T-Zones, you still have a lot of people who shoot bucks, either nubs or ones with the 3" or less spikes.

I'm totally against T-Zone. If you read my post after the first weekend of gun season, you know how I feel about most gun-only hunters in Wisconsin. They do a fine job of ruining the rut for bowhunters.

How about the DNR makes a 4-day T-Zone hunt right before the gun season. Say November 17 to November 20. Then, have the 9-day gun season go from November 23 to December 1. I can more than guarantee that there would be a high amount of does taken each season. But, I bet the gun hunters wouldn't be happy with a season right before and ruining their "prime time." smirk.gif

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

From the way it looks, the TZones are pretty much here to stay. I agree, they tick me off to no end. But, if we have to keep dealing with the TZones, they don't need to heap the EAB on it too. That's like rubbing salt in a wound..lol

And, from the report I read, if the doe numbers are still way up after this year, they will be heaping the EAB back on, along with the TZones..next year again.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

i totally agree with you on the oct. t-zone hunt. i would love to go into the rut without spooked deer looking over their shoulder all the time. but what i was trying to say was EAB has the oct. hunt just as the t-zone. so how could it be better. it would still be spooking the deer before the rut. if they would just issue a free doe tag for every license and run a normal season without any special doe season i think they would still get their does shot.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

yep , EAB has the oct. hunt too. you can count on it if they put you in EAB or t-zone at this point. the whole purpose of the t-zone was for eab gun hunters to get there doe before opening of gun season. then when they dropped the eab in the zone and kept it t-zone they never took away the oct. doe only hunt.

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year


That whole thing was a mess, it really messed up the bow hunting, not to mention the "T" zones. we need to take more does out in the farm country, but i cant do it by myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess I'll be heading up to Martin's to take my doe this year!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

yes , chrud the early gun season is the same as t-zone oct. hunt. the only difference between t-zone and EAB is you have to shoot a doe before a buck in EAB zones and t-zone you don't. the doe only season are on the same dates in oct. and dec. for both EAB and t-zone. if you have last years regulation book it will tell you the exact dates ,but it was near oct. 29 -nov.1. and dec.8-12.

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Re: Wisconsin hunters....no earn a buck this year

Well heck, then I wouldn't like that either.

I know I've said a 6-day gun hunt in December would be better for does, but no one would get out there at that time. Maybe move the gun hunt back a week later, combine it with muzzleloader and have the early T-Zone right before the gun hunt. Then the early T-Zone is pretty much after the rut is over.

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