What do you prefer


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Guest deldeer

Re: What do you prefer

they seem to get lock-jaw around here in the rain, ......but man look out when it stops & the sun pops out cool.gif!!!!!!!!.... i do see more deer in the rain though.... grin.gif

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Re: What do you prefer

I prefer hunting them right after a rain, not in it so I choose to be sort of a fair weather hunter for turkeys. Turkeys are apt to stay in the tree when it is raining in the mornimg down here. It also limits what calls I can use and drastically limits what I can hear with all the noise from the rain. I hardly ever turkey hunt in the rain anymore. The only time I do is if I'm already hunting when the rain starts.

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Re: What do you prefer


Their feathers don't get as messed up when you shoot them on a dry day. Makes a nicer picture.

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LOL...some of my best birds were killed in the rain. I had the gobbler strutting behind a hen as she fed towards me...he had a hard time keeping his tail fan straight in the hard wind. One of those days that I didn't think was worth going out in....but it paid off.

Rain or no rain...can't kill 'em sitting on the couch! wink.gif

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Re: What do you prefer

If I had my preference, I would prefer to turkey hunt when it's dry...but then again...I also love to hunt in the morning just after an overnight rain. I primarily hunt the mountains and woods so the added moisture to the leaves and ground helps me to slip through the woods really quiet. If it's raining first thing in the morning when I get up and it's not suppose to clear up, you can bet that I'll stay in bed! grin.gif

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Re: What do you prefer

Dry for me, although you will find me in the woods during a thunder storm. Dem gobs sure do gobble at thunder. You probably have a lot of fields where if it rains they go and you can see 'em better. Here in my neck of the woods, they tend to stay put when it's rainin. We do see them in the fields too, though.

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Re: What do you prefer

I like any day in the turkey woods with the exception of when it's pouring rain with heavy winds and lightning. Then it's time to head for the truck.

They sure do head to the fields after a night of rain though and I've taken a few the morning after rain.

Preference: I like a sunny morning and really calm so you can hear them gobbling all over the woods.

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Re: What do you prefer

Two of my biggest gobblers were in the rain...missed another one once in the rain too! I like huntin' in the rain cause there aren't so many hunters willing to hunt that hard. I have the woods to myself...plus most everyone knows birds head for the fields which makes it easier to find 'em!

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Re: What do you prefer

I don't mind hunting in the rain but most turkeys around here like to get out in open fields and are hard to get them away from the hens.

Although I have had alot of good luck deer hunting in the rain,I would rather hunt in the dry, sunshine filled day than rain, for turkeys. smile.gif

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Re: What do you prefer

It is wet and windy here today. I thoughtas I was out that if it was a turkey hunting day I would stay in. But I also thought of a few places that was out of the wind I could hang out and stay dry in my turkey woods. wink.gif

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