Testing Pattern


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I tried a few different chokes and 3.5" loads (All 6 shot) in my Remington 870 Super Mag. I tried Remington Premier Hevi-shot, Winchester Xtended Range, and Federal High Velocity (Flight Control Wad) shells. In my gun, the best pattern at 40 yards was with the Winchester Xtended Range shells. Man, those new heavier than lead shells hit pretty hard.

This patterning was done after polishing the barrel by putting a scouring pad (Those green ones) over the normal wire brush that comes with the cleaning kit. Then I took two sections of cleaning rod and tightened it into the drill bit. Ran Hoppes down barrel and ran pad thru it. Here is a pic of the pattern which I thought improved quite a bit from pre-cleaning. Unfortunately, I'd thrown the old target from the previous weekend.


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Re: Testing Pattern


I've been using those Winchester Supreme High Velocity shells (black shells) for a few years now and have had good luck with those. Now these Xtended range shells pattern good and hit hard. Now I've just got to get a bird in my sights. Little over a month till my hunts start.

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