little brother in the hospital


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hey everyone. keep my little brother in your prayers. he has been complaining of stomach pain lately so my mom took him to the doctor today. she said it was probably appendicitis and sent him to Great Falls. The got him in the hospital with an IV and everything and the doctor there said it probably wasnt appendicitis. so they took some x-rays and said it is some kind of intestinal virus and that he has bubbles in his intestines. so i dont know what it is. he is staying overnight in the hospital so just keep him in your prayers. he is my little huntin and fishin buddy. i know its probably not serious but i dont know what i would do w/o him.

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Re: little brother in the hospital

Coles, You have my prayers and my sincere hopes that your brother becomes healthy again soon.

I apoligize for the user name(hopefully its temporary) but its more important to respond to this post to let you know there are people who honestly care.

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Re: little brother in the hospital


he is my little huntin and fishin buddy. i know its probably not serious but i dont know what i would do w/o him.

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I hope he feels better. I hate it when kids are sick...I know I hate it when my kids are sick.

I also like the relationship that it sounds like you too have. I only hope I can keep my 2 boys that close as they grow up. I always teach them to take care of one another.

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Re: little brother in the hospital

I hope your brother is doing well and i hope your holdin up well i'm sure everything will be fine but i know how ya must feel I'm 8 years older then my lil brother and he's defently my number 1 huntin and fishin the lil bugger

I'll keep your brother in my prayers.


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Re: little brother in the hospital

thanks soo much everyone. i guess he is ok now. they said it was quite unusual with the bubbles in his intestines but nothing serious. so it basically was one expensive fart. he was feelin good enough to go golf a few holes with me before my tourney tomorrow. i guess he wasnt too happy about them trying to get the IV in. they stuck him 6 times and he was not happy. im just glad he is ok. thanks again.

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