food plots

Guest kracey

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Guest kracey

The company should have tell you when the best time to plant is. If you tell me the seed brand and type I can probably find it for you. I have Tecomate Lablab plus and Tecomate Longbeard foodplots to plant and Teomate has a chart to tell me the best planting dates.

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Re: food plots

You've got plenty of time. I'd say take Indiana's advice and maybe wait till August, and spend this spring and summer prepping the ground.

If you really want to plant this spring, I'd wait till the soil warms up a bit. For Minnesota probably around mid to late May.

You might want to PM Oneida Man--he produces food plot seed and lives in Minnesota too. He can get you going.

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Re: food plots


when is a good time to start planting my food plot. i live up here in minnesota and this is a new plot about 1/2 acre consisting of red and white dutch clover, deer turnips, sugar beets , and rape weed. there is a lot of deer trffic in the area and am very excited to see how they react when the plot takes shape. anybody have any idea of when i should start planting??? and will it take effect on this upcoming season???? thanks,kj

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You might want to hold off planting until May. Any danger of frost or late freezes should be over by then.

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Re: food plots

Have my best luck with clovers here in the fall. I would also suggest asking OneidaMan when to plant, he is in Wisconsin, and he grows seed and creates his own blends and sells them.

Your plots can have a draw very quick. I planted my clovers with rye and they saw attention not longafter planting. The rye comes up very quick, while the clovers are not as quickly established. Some people use wheat or other grains when planting clovers.

Welcome to the forums.

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