It's Over


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Re: It\'s Over

This may sound cold, heartless, but I am glad it is over. I am tired of hearing about both here and on the news. This issue should have NEVER gone to the courts, IMO it's no the courts job in a case like this to decide if she lives or dies, that duty became the husbands the day they married. And as far as the husband being a POS, well, unless you personally know him, and personally know of his actions/inactions concerning her health care, who are we to judge him? Just my .02.

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Re: It\'s Over

That is very sad.

I have mixed the way that she did was no way to live. So now that she is gone, I feel better about that.

However, that scumbag Michael Schiavo didn't even let her parents be with her during her last day....he refused to let them be with her. That is not the actions of a loving is the actions of a vindictive man and I hope he burns in **** for his part in it.

I am not saying the parents are perfect and I questions their judgement on some items, but I feel for anyone who gave birth to a child and had a no good husband that by all accounts wasn't very nice to Terri end her life and call the shots.

Peace to all!


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Re: It\'s Over

After 15 years of being kept "alive", she can finally rest in peace!

I think everyone involved was just plain selfish for their own sakes and never thought of this poor woman! Pure greed and she should have been allowed to die right at the beginning!

People can very greedy with someone elses life and that the real sad part! They just will not let go!

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Re: It\'s Over

May she rest in peace.

This is another case, in my opinion, that the media got way out of hand. Taking a personal family matter and throwing it in the headlines. Makes me sick. How many people out there have to make the same difficult decision everyday to remove a loved ones feeding tube? My family had to make the same decision when my grandmother was sick. There are cases when this is the right decision.

The masses of media 24 hours a day outside of the hospice Terry was in was insane. Did the media think of the other patients and their family that were being cared for in the facility? I read one story about how family members were trying to visit their loved ones in the last stages of life and had all kinds of trouble getting throw lines and into the building, becasue of the media circus going on around them. Not right at all.

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Re: It\'s Over


After 15 years of being kept "alive", she can finally rest in peace!

I think everyone involved was just plain selfish for their own sakes and never thought of this poor woman! Pure greed and she should have been allowed to die right at the beginning!

People can very greedy with someone elses life and that the real sad part! They just will not let go!

[/ QUOTE ]

My thoughts as well.

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