April Fools Jokes?


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Re: April Fools Jokes?


ha ryan my girlfriend and i are telling our parents that she is pregnet.......should be exicting


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You are very lucky you are not my son because when I got done with you, there wouldn't be any grandchildren from your end!! LOL!!!

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Re: April Fools Jokes?

This wasn't a planned april fools joke but it fit with a lot of your pregnant girlfriend ideas.

The summer after I graduated Highschool I worked at a summer camp about 400 miles from home. Most of my friends were female and we went on a camping trip one weekend. Me (at 17) and 3 female friends on a rainy stormy night in a 2 person tent. Nothing actualy happened but the joke arround camp for the rest of the summer was that I had slept with all 3 at once.(hey we did sleep..)

My mother (hyper conservative southern baptist) came to visit and at one point in the conversation she tried to say something about my youngest brother but left off the brother part...thus she said "his youngest"...

One of the girls that was on the camping trip(now my cousin by marriage) spun on me, slapped me across the face and yelled "I though I was the only one you slept with!"

The second girl(now my sister-in-law) glared at her and chimed in "You mean other than me..."

followed by the third girl saying "Oh and me too."

My mother's jaw hit the floor...it was the funniest thing I have ever seen...

We all burst out laughing and my mom began to suspect she had missed something so I finaly explained it to her before she could drag my butt into her car and take me back home for the rest of the summer.

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Re: April Fools Jokes?


This wasn't a planned april fools joke but it fit with a lot of your pregnant girlfriend ideas.

The summer after I graduated Highschool I worked at a summer camp about 400 miles from home. Most of my friends were female and we went on a camping trip one weekend. Me (at 17) and 3 female friends on a rainy stormy night in a 2 person tent. Nothing actualy happened but the joke arround camp for the rest of the summer was that I had slept with all 3 at once.(hey we did sleep..)

My mother (hyper conservative southern baptist) came to visit and at one point in the conversation she tried to say something about my youngest brother but left off the brother part...thus she said "his youngest"...

One of the girls that was on the camping trip(now my cousin by marriage) spun on me, slapped me across the face and yelled "I though I was the only one you slept with!"

The second girl(now my sister-in-law) glared at her and chimed in "You mean other than me..."

followed by the third girl saying "Oh and me too."

My mother's jaw hit the floor...it was the funniest thing I have ever seen...

We all burst out laughing and my mom began to suspect she had missed something so I finaly explained it to her before she could drag my butt into her car and take me back home for the rest of the summer.

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Now that is funny!

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Re: April Fools Jokes?

shaun_300: I think you should worry more about what Realtree Scott is planning.

Last year he said he was going to get even after so many of the forums moderators resigned on 4-01-04.

Be prepared to have the forums shut down for a time tomorrow.

I'm already worried..... confused.gif .....popgun

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Re: April Fools Jokes?

I got my wife one time really good.

I would start her car each morning and warm it up while we got ready for work checking it through the front bedroom window (our bedroom was in the back of the house). On this particular morning while in the front bedroom "checking on the car", I yelled, came running back in the room saying that someone just drove off with her car, and picked up the phone as to call the police. As she ran over to the front bedroom, I followed her and announced April Fool's Day as she looked out the window and saw her car sitting there warming up. grin.gif

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Re: April Fools Jokes?

well, my uncle is lettin me drive his chevy up to the farm to hunt this weekend and its base price is about $40-43,000, and thats with out all the camo add-ons. so half way there i'm gonna call my mom and say, "hey mom, a deer ran out in front of the truck and i hit it." smile.gif

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Re: April Fools Jokes?


ha ryan my girlfriend and i are telling our parents that she is pregnet.......should be exicting


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git-r-dun! i didn't even think of that one, but if i did do it, i would die and never get to see my girlfriend again. LOL! but ya, that is pretty funny man. i wanna know their reactions. grin.gif

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Re: April Fools Jokes?



Be prepared to have the forums shut down for a time tomorrow.

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Didn't Scott do that to us last year...I can't remember! wink.gif

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I think it was T-Bone that did that last year.

I have a pretty good one.

I used to work at a place that had mouse problems. Well we got the maintenance guy to put a trap in a friends cube a few days before so she knew it was there(she was afraid of mice). So on April Fools Day another co-worker preceded to distract her while I snuck around to the other side of her cube and set the trap off. Good Times.

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