Homemade Scents Anyone???


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Last night my dad ran out of a cover scent. So I ran out to the woods and got a couple of cedar branches. I then threw them in a pot, with a little bit of water, and added a little sugar. I then brought it to a boil for like half an hour. What was left was a very good scent. There was an ounce of water left, and an amazing scent. My dad said hed try it, and sure enough, two deer walked right underneath him. And didnt spook. This isnt a strong choke you smell, but its good enough to get the job done.

Anybody ever tried it??

Also, if willing, would anyone be willing to share their homemade scents with us? I really like making it, and i would like to know more.


Dustin laugh.gif

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Re: Homemade Scents Anyone???

A buddy of mine used to take white acorns and take the nut from the shell and once he had a bunch of them he would blend them in a blender to a paste. He adds some water and makes his own scent. He said it worked best after the acorns were gone. The deer would smell the acorns and think there was a fresh batch.

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Re: Homemade Scents Anyone???

Have made some with leaves and acorns by boiling them in water and they do work. Smells just like the woods.

Really dont use cover scents much anymore though. Just keep cedar limbs in my plastic totes with my hunting clothes. They pretty well always smell very natural.

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Re: Homemade Scents Anyone???

Every year its the same thing, I zip up my jacket, throw my accessories inside, elastic band the arms, bottom and throw in a bunch of crumbled up cedar bows. I then shake it around really hard and elastic the top. The very same thing are done with my hunting pants. This works amazingly well and after all you know what they say, theres no better substitute for nature than itself! grin.gif

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