To clear things up

Norm Sauceman

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Re: To clear things up

i never doubted you either bud. you're a man i would love to hunt with someday, then sit by a campfire, watch our kids play, and talk about our hunt.


BTW, just curious, what was the intent of the original post? i kind of figured it was "should i report the old timer" kind of thing, or something like that.

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Re: To clear things up

Thanks for clearing up the water! I have read enough of your post on here to realize that you care about hunting and Im glad it was all just a little miscommunication.

Try a little reverse psychology on your buddy. Next time you go over there start mentioning "How important" it is to check in deer and go on and on about it. Eventually he will try to shut you up by either checking in his own deer or just not bringing up the all. Either way you win.

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Re: To clear things up

I never doubted your intentions. You've never done or said anything I know of to make you seem in the least crooked. The post just seemd like you were looking out for yourself. Would you want your untagged or unreported deer there when he gets busted? I know I wouldn't.

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