Diaphram Calls


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Re: Diaphram Calls

It is somewhat difficult at first. You kinda have to find the "sweet spot". Not an acutal spot of where the call must go because it can move around a bit, but how hard or soft you press your tounge against the reeds, making sure you got about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of your tounge beyond the front of the call. The biggest issue is making sure no air can pass between the call and the roof of your mouth. I have a high pallet and it have had trouble finding calls that I can use. crazy.gif

You have to make the air go between the reeds and your tounge.

As for the words they say to use.

You are not trying to vocalize the words at all. More so just use the jaw movements you would use if saying those words.

For example your not trying to say the word "cholk" but instead trying to move your jaw and lips, not your entire mouth, the same way as if your were saying it. The sound is purely coming from the way the air passes between the reeds and your tounge. The more firm you press your tounge the higher the pitch the sound will be. This leads to using your tounge movements as well.

Jaw and lip movement are critical for daiphram calling too. Or so says the instructional CD that came with my Primos calls.

BTW I have bought 6 calls to date, all Primos and there are a couple that I can not get hardly any sounds off from. So it could also be you do not have one that fits right or is stopping the air from going over the call.

I started with the traditional yelping sound and just tried a turkey yelp caddence and played with the sound from there. Once you can produce that, the clucking and iothers sounds come in time.

I am by no means a pro, just starting out myself, but I had 4 of the 10 calls down packed in 1 hour of buying the CD 3 pak.

Some of the call sounds I will NEVER be able to do. crazy.gifsmirk.gifLOL

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