Benelli nova?


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my buddy asked me if i wanted to buy his benelli nova from him since he just bought a new benelli. right now i have a remington 870 express with a rifle barrel and regular barrel. i am thinking about buying it and using that for my waterfowl hunting and my 870 for deer. if anyone has shot this gun or owns one can you tell me how you like it and your opinions on it thanks mike

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Re: Benelli nova?

I have a Nova 12 ga in Advantage Timber. I love it, I used to have an 870 also, never had any problems with it either. I just liked the look of the Nova, plus the Camo, the price is good, since you're getting it used it'll be a little cheaper hopefully. One major suggestion, if you are planning on doing a lot of shooting with it, especially Duck loads, spend the money for the recoil reducer, it really helps. Before Dove season I took it to the skeet range without the reducer, shot 50 rounds and a few hours later my shoulder felt like it was going to explode. Opening day of Dove season I shot close to 100 rounds, went back out couple of days later and then a couple of days after that, so all total I probably shot 150 or so rounds, and with the recoil reducer in the gun, my shoulder didn't hurt one bit. Best 80 bucks I've ever spent.

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Re: Benelli nova?

The Nova is a great gun. While I don't own one, I've known several guys who either do have them or did at one time. The only complaint I ever hear about them is the recoil. 3" are bad and 3 1/2" are NASTY. (But, then I own an 870 and a Browning BPS and 3 1/2" shells can still rock your world with those guns if you aren't prepared for them.)

I'm no expert on the Nova, but I believe the recoil reducer refered to by a previous poster is a kind of floating weight that is installed inside the butt stock of the gun. This is supposed to reduce the felt recoil. I'd say get that and invest in a better butt pad (assuming they are available for the Nova).

I'm sure some Nova owners will give you better advise than I have.

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Re: Benelli nova?

hey i love my nova and nobayd is going to get mine ever. they are very very sweet shooting guns. light fast easy to aim. my nova is the big boy of the 12 ga. its the 3 1/2''. the big bad dude. lol. but if u want it and it feel good to u and is comfertable get it. u wont turn back. trust me i have shot my step dads moseburg and i like my nova better. i took my first bird EVER!! grin.gif it was a blue grouse and i shot on the wing. that was a great feeling when ur gun fell apart of you. then you pull the trigger and then the bird falls. the gun felt like it has done that before but i know for a fact it has not because we had got it brand the one who peaced them to gether. they come apart with two pins.underneeth the breach and by the trigger guard. uyou will like the gun i used size 7 shot 6 shot and 4 shot all patter great imo.

good luck and happy hunting.


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Re: Benelli nova?


i think it is a good deal he told me i could have it for $275. what is a good recoil reducer? i have never used one before. the gun is a 12 ga but it is not camo its the black stock. is a recoil reducer the same thing as a recoil pad? thanks for the info

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The recoil reducer is a mercury filled tubed that slides into a bracket that you have to buy. You can get them through Bass Pro or check your local gun store. Bass Pro had the best price I had seen but then you have to pay shipping. The Bracket is 20 bucks and the reducer is 50 bucks with Bass Pro. It really helps, trust me, when I first started shooting with it,it didn't really feel much different, until that night when my shoulder didn't hurt. It does add almost a pound of weight to the gun, but it balances out when aiming.

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Re: Benelli nova?

well i had to do is take the hard rubber plug out and i went and bought a recoild pad( just a boot) and put it on nor reducer and no pain. all i paid was 10 bucks. and i did not have to buy a bunch of other stuff for it to fit. i had shot the 3 inchs with my gun and like i said no pain.


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Re: Benelli nova?

I just got a Benelli Nova for Christmas last year. My Dad won it at a banquet and does not shoot shotguns.

I love the gun. I spent most of my Spring practicing at the range with it, getting the feel of it etc. By the end of spring it became second nature. It repeats nicely, shoots and ejects cleanly and takes some abuse. The once piece molded body is great for cleaning.

Some cons are:

1) The recoil is bad with Mag shot, but I am a big boy, I can handle it! grin.gif Plus I am too cheap to buy the reducer.

2) Pump grip rattles a bit on the unit. Not great for stalking or jump shooting.

3) Pistol grip is ribbed and after a day of shooting you have a raw patch between you forefinger and thumb. Not a big deal, and will callus quickly. Just some discomfort.

All and all, its the best pump I have ever owned. Versatile, smooth and strong. I think I will have it forever.

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Re: Benelli nova?

If it's $275 then make sure it has the mercury recoil reducer. You can get the gun new for $279 at gander mountain or $299 at bass pro.

I've got a Nova in camo. The only problem I've had is that Federal Slugs shell seem to get stuck after the shot, and you have to work the action back and forth to get the spent shell out.

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Re: Benelli nova?

hey mine is the one with max4 camo and the pistol grip never bothered me. the recoil didnot bother me untill the day after i had shot it. my shulder felt like i was going to fall off and then i took the plug out and then put that recoil pad on which held remarkably. and then when u shoot a bird with it you dont really notice it any ways.. like i said as far as i could tell they pattern well with 4, 6, 7 1/2 shot sizes i love that gun very much and any one wants it they will have to take it out of my cold dead hands grin.gif smirk.gif


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Re: Benelli nova?

The Nova is the best shotgun I ever owned.Out of the 5 that are in my gun safe-the Nova is the one I go to 1st.The recoil isn't too bad-the 3.5" shells can be a little brutal,though.I hunt mine pretty hard for everything from small game to deer to turkey and waterfowl,in all kinds of conditions and it never failed to go "BANG" when I pulled trigger--quick and slick action,too.

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Re: Benelli nova?

johnf,no jams-ever.I've even mixed shells from 2.75" field loads to 3.5" turkey loads and shot and cycled it with no problems or jams.Mine seems to eat anything I run thru it.I've shot the Federal Classic slugs and the Remington slugs(the Fed.'s grouped better)and no jams but I only loaded one at a time so I don't know how it would function with a quick follow-up shot.

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Re: Benelli nova?

i never tried slugs because i dont need to there for no reason to buy them i shot federal and remington and whinchester i have had no problems with it and i think u just may have got in to a bad batch. or it could bjust be the gun maybe both who knows . but i love it and its has not let me down yet so i think ill stick with the nova.


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