the strangest fire call


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Just had a call for my volunteer fire dept.....could not belive it untill I got there...MAN STUCK IN HIS SEPTIC TANK....I guess he was doing some repair work in it and got stuck....I was the second one there so we just reached in and yanked him its shower time.....never going to forget that one. confused.gifshocked.gifblush.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: the strangest fire call


Lucky you didn't need to use the bathroom when you first arrived ...LOL grin.gif

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This guy is luckier because just think if someone would have flushed when he was stuck in there!!! LOL!!

All in a days work!! OOOPPPSSS!! Volunteering is not fun!! LOL!!

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Re: the strangest fire call

This guy is luckier because just think if someone would have flushed when he was stuck in there!!! LOL

That would have taken care of his "shower" right there!!..I had my tanks pumped last fall, put a ladder down in and went in for a look see...wanted to make sure inlet and outlet was clear, flushed them out with a garden hose and got out. Mine has 24" access problem

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Guest Andrea

Re: the strangest fire call

I can relate to this one. My husband and his father own a septic tank company. One day they were standing around talking at a house where they were just about to pump out the tank. The lid was off. The county health inspector was there and was so busy talking and walking backwards at the same time...he fell right in. This tank was FULL. Needless to say he was covered in it. My husband said he had to run around the other side of the house so the inspector wouldn't see him laughing. If only they had had a camera with them. grin.gif

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