help with tuning


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hopefully some of you tuning experts can give me a good start on this problem. I just put my sight and rest back on my bow. This is a new sight I haven't shot with before. First time shooting at 10 yards my arrow went way over the target. I moved the rest up almost as far up as it can go. I'm still hitting about 10 inches high at 10 yards. Should I move my nocking point up or down to alleviate this problem?

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: help with tuning

are you using a kisser button and peep? Has it been set up for center shot? Pins should not be extreme high, low, left, right. give us some more info. please.

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Re: help with tuning

Assuming your bow was sighted in well before the change....Bring your rest back down to level (arrow square with string)

First off...forget where your bow is shooting at the target for now

Check your knock point (it should be about 1/8" high from square. If it's not, lower your rest untill it is 1/8" high from level.

Now paper tune to make sure your rest is OK right to left and not tearing right, left or low

If your rest is too high, you will be tearing the paper low.

Once you've done the paper tuning, you don't move anything but your sights after that.

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Re: help with tuning

yeah I probably should paper tune, but I was afraid I'd miss the target all together with the way my sights were setup. here's more info. I had the bow tuned a bit last week. guy at the pro shop tuned for center shot, tuned my drop away rest, put on a new nock point and string loop. the guy seemed to know what he was doing although he was eyeing everything, not using a string level. arrow flight does not seem erratic.

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Re: help with tuning

first post


I moved the rest up almost as far up as it can go. I'm still hitting about 10 inches high at 10 yards.

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last post


that's right on buckee. I didn't move the rest or nock point yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not what you said in your first post...I'm getting confused now ...LOL grin.gif

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