Kurt Busch Injured?


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I know Kurt said he was fine and got the wind knocked out of him, but....

Did you notice during his interview that his eyes looked sleepy and kept wandering around. I think he got himself a concussion during that wreck. It'll be interesting to see if there is a follow-up later in the week. What a hard hit he took.

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

he really did look shook up...but with a hit like that wow who wouldnt be...the saftey in those cars is great i hope they continue to promote all the saftey measures

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?


I have had similar head-on wrecks in my go-kart racing league, and they hurt at 25mph!

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I sort of did, but it was the biggest bump-draft you'll ever see in go-karts smokin' at 22 MPH going downhill into a hairpin turn. Needless to say, I continued on and my aunt was in the wall. blush.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

We race sprint-car style 9hp go-karts on a short concrete oval that looks just like bristol, just not quite the banking. It is a lot of fun, last season was my first and I finished 5th in points. It starts again at the end of April, I can't wait, I'm gonna win this one. We have a 8-race championship. the wreck I was talking about, I was diving into turn 1, and someone got turned completely around in front of me, I was boxed in in traffic, and slammed him head-to-head. My hat and safety goggles flew off me, over his kart, and got smushed. IT was rough on the neck! Another time a DJ for the local country station was racing with us and blew a tire coming out of turn 2. He went straight up into the wall. The karts have 1/4" steel bumpers all the way around, and the crash bent his front right bumper, tire, and suspension almost into the cockpit. It scared him bad, he didn't come back!

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

Yeah, the place I go is a pay for a few minutes. I am the dominator up there though. grin.gif The two open-wheel styles are pretty easy to drive, you can usually go wide open. But, it is still easy to run down people, most folks take the shortest way, I take the straightest. They are all road courses, a lot of fun.

The do have a road course with NASCAR type bodies on them. You can't see well and the course has no straights so you are always turning. They would be fun if they were easier to drive. The push something terrible. They weight a ton. No way you could go wide open on that course.

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

You can't go wide open on our track, you would spin out in the turns. They throw wax down in the turns between every heat grin.gif At first I hated it, but once I learned to drive a VERY loose car, I started doing really well. It is teaching me a lot about car control. Chrud, you need to ride down to SC and race with me!

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Guest BuckMaster058

Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

Tell you the truth I didn't watch the race. But man I hope not he's havin a stellar yr. as is Jimmie Johnson and the whole 48 bunch and I'm a fan of the 48's. But he needs to be patient he took out one of the guys I picked for one of my buddies in the racin pool he's in and the way it said the 97 was in 7th or 8th place when it happened. Man I hope he's alright let us posted cuz he's havin another stellar yr. and that would suck.

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?


Tell you the truth I didn't watch the race. But man I hope not he's havin a stellar yr. as is Jimmie Johnson and the whole 48 bunch and I'm a fan of the 48's. But he needs to be patient he took out one of the guys I picked for one of my buddies in the racin pool he's in and the way it said the 97 was in 7th or 8th place when it happened. Man I hope he's alright let us posted cuz he's havin another stellar yr. and that would suck.

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Huh? tongue.gif

Please Avoid Run-On Sentences. I was choking for air at the end of that. wow. crazy.gifgrin.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

I have had my share of cart racing. Both dirt and pavement. Bent everything that could be bent and some more. Been blacked flaged more times then I care to mention. We ran alcohol in our 5hp kawi's. I will tell you one thing. One time I was in a race, it was the last race of the season with about 43 karts in it. I started dead last in the pack. After the green flag dropped I cut the field in half by the time i got to the first turn. There was a big wreck ahead of me and I was going to get around it just fine, when all of a sudden a guy came out of nowhere and slammed me sideways. I saw stars. The kart I was driving got airborne after impact, all I seen was sky, the the next thing I saw was the ground and then the sky and then ground. God knows how many times I cart wheeled it. I hung on for dear life and never fell out of the kart. I was a hurtin though !

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?


I have had my share of cart racing. Both dirt and pavement. Bent everything that could be bent and some more. Been blacked flaged more times then I care to mention. We ran alcohol in our 5hp kawi's. I will tell you one thing. One time I was in a race, it was the last race of the season with about 43 karts in it. I started dead last in the pack. After the green flag dropped I cut the field in half by the time i got to the first turn. There was a big wreck ahead of me and I was going to get around it just fine, when all of a sudden a guy came out of nowhere and slammed me sideways. I saw stars. The kart I was driving got airborne after impact, all I seen was sky, the the next thing I saw was the ground and then the sky and then ground. God knows how many times I cart wheeled it. I hung on for dear life and never fell out of the kart. I was a hurtin though !

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RTF Sadler! grin.gif

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?


I know sometimes you tape these races, if you taped this one check that interview out again I'm sure I also saw what looked like some type of compress at the base of the back of his neck also.

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Yes you did! I think he got hurt. But, I don't think we'll hear anything of it.

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?



I know sometimes you tape these races, if you taped this one check that interview out again I'm sure I also saw what looked like some type of compress at the base of the back of his neck also.

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Yes you did! I think he got hurt. But, I don't think we'll hear anything of it.

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THANKS, for checking that for me Matt, I thought I saw something but wasn't completely sure....

I'm sure you're right I don't think we will hear anything about it unless it's serious enough to keep him out of the race at Martinsville.....

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Re: Kurt Busch Injured?

To be honest, it looked like a towel with a chrud load of ice in it. Probably nothing to get excited about, but he probably has a bad neck strain.

I'm no doctor, but I really believe he got a bad (real bad) concussion from that wreck. I've seen two different interviews of him after the race. His eyes were very tired, they kept moving around and he talked slow and strange. He sounded a lot worse than Dale Jr when he got that concussion at Fontant a couple years ago.

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