How do you use a crow or Owl call?

Guest kracey

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Guest kracey

How do you use a crow call or owl call. I know your suppose to say "who cooks for you " or something similar for the owl call and I have been doing what it says for the crow call. But I still dont get anything. I whistled once for the dog tonight and one gobbled its head off. He only did it once but I finally heard something. Can someone help me out here? Season starts on Saturday this is my first yera and im the only one that hunts in my family and I have no guadiance.

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Re: How do you use a crow or Owl call?

Typically Owl calls only work real early in the morning. Often a single hoot works better than the "who cooks for you" song. But don't just do the single hoot.

After it gets good and light the crow calls seem to work better.

A really hot gobbler will interupt your call so listen closely.

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