DEI News/Rumors


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I was just reading the latest over on Jayski's. Here is a little news/rumor from DEI. Not sure if it is true or not, but the first story sure puts a different twist on things for those of us wishing they would switch the teams back.

No Flip-Flop at DEI : For those who wondered if conditions at Dale Earnhardt Inc. were dire enough to swap the Nos. 15 and 8 crews and cars back to the original drivers--think again. "There will never be a flip back," says a DEI source, who adds that the 15 crew, formerly the No. 8, was disappointed with Earnhardt. "I don't think they would take him back. We said we would work with Michael (Waltrip) this year for us to get a young gun for next year. What's happened is fate, and we're going to make the most of it." Earnhardt echoed similar sentiments and reiterated his confidence in crew chief Pete Rondeau. "The way Pete has hung in there further constitutes my belief in him," he says. Earnhardt and Waltrip are 17th and 27th, respectively, in points.(Sporting News)(4-4-2005)

Eury Jr. to bolt DEI? Crew chief Tony Eury Jr., the key car chief in Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s title runs the past two years, is reported to be one of hottest items in the garage, with several rival teams interested in hiring him away from Dale Earnhardt Inc., where he now runs Michael Waltrip's #15 team. It is unclear if rival Chevy teams are interested in Eury or Ford or Dodge team owners.(Winston Salem Journal)(4-4-2005)

Both of these were copied from .

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Re: DEI News/Rumors


One question, whats with all the turmoil, or problems in the core of DEI?

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Just my opinion, but I think it's lack of "father" figure. With Sr gone there is no dominant figure in DEI.

I rememeber reading an article where Steve Park was interviewed, and he said something along the line that with SR. gone, there was no one to go to with problems, or to ask for guidance.

I think thats the whole problem. Dale Earnhardt Sr. Was definately the backbone, and the brains behing that whole operation.

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Re: DEI News/Rumors

Do you have an older brother Dustin? That would probably answer why there was the original swap. wink.gif Junior and Junior are cousins, almost like brothers. I think they eventually got to each other and became more of a problem than anything productive.

I think the crew switch was a smart move. But, like I've said all along, the car swap wasn't. Jeff Gordon was great with Ray Evernham as his crew chief. Robbie Loomis is a great crew chief, but having the same cars when he took over was a huge help. It's like Junior and Waltrip are both starting all over from scratch.

Speaking of hoping to get a young gun...want me to make some more predictions? grin.gif

1. Michael Waltrip will be gone from DEI at the end of the year.

2. Truex will go in the 1 car with his Busch Team (Duh, that has already been put in place).

3. Shane Hmiel will be in the 15 next year.

4. DEI/RCR will work together more in the future.

I would really like to have put something down about Junior's future with DEI. But, I don't think I can. I find it hard to believe that Junior would bail out on DEI if the get Truex and someone like Hmiel. I really like Waltrip, but he isn't doing anything for Junior as far as helping him with setups. Of all the teams, I would say DEI is probably the one that doesn't have the driver-to-driver help that Roush and Hendrick has. Junior and Truex help each other, but that is apples to oranges (Cup and Busch). I find it hard to believe Junior would ever leave DEI, the #8 and Bud. That would be like Dale Sr driving the 24 DuPont car, it just isn't "Dale Sr".

The DEI/RCR is something that has surprised me that it hasn't happened yet. They are basically the same thing as far as I'm concerned. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see them come up with some sort of team-work like the Roush-Yates Engine. Maybe they'll have an engine package.

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Guest deldeer

Re: DEI News/Rumors

for once, ... i ALMOST agree blush.gif with chrud. i have always said that eury/earnhardt thing probably was'nt a good mix. they are a very tight family unit & sometimes that can put a major strain on your being able to work together. however....i would not be suprised if richard did'nt woo jr away from d.e.i., thats why i don't think rcr & dei will ever work as close as roush/yates.....i think jr will drive the 3 someday wink.gif......just my opinion....

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Re: DEI News/Rumors

I could very well see Dale Jr in the #3 Goodwrench Chevy teamed up with Kevin Harvick. RCR is the only other team Junior would go to and that would be it.

But, I'm a little curious about his car if he went there. I don't know if he'd go in the 3 car. Plus, the 3 car without Goodwrench on the hood is nearly naked. Would GM be willing to be the primary sponsor on two cars? IF Junior went to RCR, got in the 3 Goodwrench car, I would think Harvick would want out real quick as RCR would possibly be taking away his sponsor to make accomidations for Junior.

But, I wouldn't be surprised if a deal was worked out so the #8 and Bud came with him.

I do see it as a possibility, but I don't really expect it. If he would win a Championship by 2007 (his last contract year), he wouldn't leave. I still have a hard time thinking he'd bail on Truex. He gave Truex his shot and now will have him in a great Cup ride next year.

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Re: DEI News/Rumors



3. Shane Hmiel will be in the 15 next year.

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Man, I sure hope not. They could do a lot better than that IMHO

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Shane Hmiel can drive. The thing about him that a lot of people don't like is how agressive he is. He reminds me a lot of a young Kevin Harvick...full speed, straight ahead, get out of my way!

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Re: DEI News/Rumors

I agree he can drive Chrud, but comparing him to Kevin Harvick I don't agree with at all. His metabolism I think is way off from Kevin, definitely not high speed outside the car/truck.

I also hope he doesn't wind up at DEI. I like some personality in a driver outside the car. Basically the reason Jimmy Johnson doesn't appeal to me for example.

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Re: DEI News/Rumors

Like Chrud said, I wasn't to worried when I read they switched crews, but then I heard they switched cars and was just like, why would they do that? I think it would be hard for them to let mikey go, but it would be a business thing. i also have to agree that there is probably less leadership with Sr. now gone. I don'tknow if Junior will go to drive for RCR. If he would i think it would be hard fo rhim to drive his dads car. It would be very cool to see it at the track again though. JMO

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