When is the Right time to use jake decoys

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I have heared jake decoys are good for early season because there are alot of dominant toms that want the hens that the jake is with, but others have said that late season is good because most of the toms have lost their hens so are more challenging to other birds. so I am not sure when is the best time or sonario to use one is? confused.gif

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Re: When is the Right time to use jake decoys

In all honesty, there is no one answer for this. All I can say is put one out and see what happens. I have had birds trip over themselves to get at my jake and I have had them not pay one bit of attention to him. I have had all sorts of different experiences at different times of the year, so just stick one out and see what happens bud.

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Guest deldeer

Re: When is the Right time to use jake decoys

i agree with pa., i use mine all the time, does'nt hurt anything. i use 2 hens and a jake....good luck!!!! cool.gif

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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: When is the Right time to use jake decoys

Yep the same for me trial and error.I like to use it with a couple of hens and a lot of the the time that really ticks that gobbler off.

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Re: When is the Right time to use jake decoys

If you are hunting public land, just remember to use CAUTION when using a jake decoy. Make sure it is never directly in front of you cause all it takes is one whacko that can't identify a target and you'll have a very unhappy turkey season. Heck, use a little caution on private land too, cause you never know when someone will just wander on.

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Re: When is the Right time to use jake decoys

we own our own ground PA so we dont really have to worry about that.....7_point's my little brother and im hopin to call his first gobbler in this year after killing my first last year...i just want him to have the thrill of having the full fanned gobbler out there struttin to em'......good luck little bro!

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