The Faith of John Kerry


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Re: The Faith of John Kerry

Whether this is true or not based on what I have seen of Kerry watching him speak and following how he has dealt with thing, he does not seem to me to be a person of the kind of moral values that a true Christian would have.

Too many things he says and does just do not fit, despite what he might say to one particular group of people or the next.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry

And what ever happened to seperation of church and state. The liberals demand it at every turn and have forced prayer from almost every venue in our lives. But, who shows up every Sunday at at least one church - Kerry. And, not only does he "worship," but he usually gives a speech from the pulpit.

Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


But in his going to church, is he forcing a specific religion on people, No, he is excercising his right to attend a church of his choice. I haven't heard him endorse any specific religion.

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No one said he's forcing religion on others. Said he was using religion for political purpose. AND, they have spurned religion in almost every walk of life, except when it's to their advantage - like using it to get votes. AGAIN, two-faced business as usual.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


But in his going to church, is he forcing a specific religion on people, No, he is excercising his right to attend a church of his choice. I haven't heard him endorse any specific religion.

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Kerry claims to be a devout Catholic! He has said it many times and even said it on the debates, how could you not hear him refer to his faith. You really are not paying very close attention to your candidate.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry



But in his going to church, is he forcing a specific religion on people, No, he is excercising his right to attend a church of his choice. I haven't heard him endorse any specific religion.

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Kerry claims to be a devout Catholic! He has said it many times and even said it on the debates, how could you not hear him refer to his faith. You really are not paying very close attention to your candidate.

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Claiming a specific DENOMINATION is very different from claiming a specific RELIGION. I know Kerry is a Catholic, and Bush is a Methodist, so was Clinton, and I believe Bush Sr. was Episcopalian, and Carter was a Baptist, I don't think Reagan claimed a specific denomination.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


Claiming a specific DENOMINATION is very different from claiming a specific RELIGION

[/ QUOTE ] ...... Catholic, Methodists, Episcopalian, Baptist ... they're all Christian slugger. The only thing that separates them are a few doctrinal differences. Some more than others.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry



Claiming a specific DENOMINATION is very different from claiming a specific RELIGION

[/ QUOTE ] ...... Catholic, Methodists, Episcopalian, Baptist ... they're all Christian slugger. The only thing that separates them are a few doctrinal differences. Some more than others.

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And, you aren't telling me anything I didn't already know. Complaints were made about Kerry talking about his Catholicism and him supporting the separation of church and state. I could care less if Bush was a Mormon and Kerry was a Unitarian Universalist, just as long as neither one of them try to enforce their religous beliefs into the constitution, which is what Bush is trying to do.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry



My point was slugger, that claiming your DENOMINATION is the same as claiming your RELIGION .

GEESH, your sounding more and more like Kerry every day slugger. grin.gif

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Sure is. Really dont think he gets it.

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The fact that I do get it is the reason I am not voting for Bush again. I get the fact that he used faulty intelligence to sell the Iraq war to Congress and the American people, I get the fact that he wants to use the US Constitution to force his religious beliefs on a country that has an amendment separating the church and government, I get the fact that the economy is in the crapper, hasn't gotten better, and if it had 300 people wouldn't be getting ready to look for a job here because they are getting laid off, I get the fact he supports the erosion of US citizens civil liberties on the sheer basis of their last name and ethnic group all in the name of combating terrorism, and I also get the fact that some people are still so blinded by the overwhelming support that he got for 9/11, which is a totally natural occurence after a disaster, happened after Pearl Hrbor for FDR, that they will turn a completely blind eye to the damage he has done to this country and what could happen to us, this country is not safer than before 9/11, if anything, it is in more danger after the invasion of Iraq because now everybody hates us, except Poland, can't forget Poland. If it were safer, than people would not still be testing the screeners by boarding planes with knives or guns and actually accomplishing this. I get the fact that George Bush has no concern for the lower class, the people who need the most help, because he is more concerned with giving multi-billion dollar companies a tax break for moving operations overseas. And this argument about how we wouldn't buy anything if it were made in America because of the prices with wages going up. Well, whats better, paying someone 10 cents to assemble something in Taiwan, and then have to pay a fortune to ship it over here, or paying someone 10 bucks an hour and pay next to nothing compared to importing to ship it. I'll take the latter, these companies don't care about us, they care about their next tax break, courtesy of the Bush family.

I could care less what church Bush goes to, just like I could care less how Kerry keeps a suntan, what I do care about are people being treated fairly, being treated like Americans in the country they were born in, being able for someone to worship freely no matter if I disagree with their religion and them not have to worry about being forced to worship in a way they don't believe in, I believe that an American has the right to love whoever they want and live with whoever they want, mainly because it is none of my dang business and nobody else's either and I believe that every American should have the right to be an American, without having to worry about being shot because someone doesn't like his color, or be able to get a job because someone doesn't like his color or buy a house because of his color. Unfortunately, this is a Utopia that will never be realized in this country, because bigotry and racism will never be vanquished, as long as there are people who could care less about anyone unless they have something to offer them.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


I get the fact that he used faulty intelligence to sell the Iraq war to Congress and the American people,

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Same intelligence Kerry saw.


I get the fact that the economy is in the crapper, hasn't gotten better

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Was on it way there before Clinton ever left office.


I get the fact that George Bush has no concern for the lower class, the people who need the most help

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George Bush gave money back to American working tax payers. Those who did not work or had no children and did not pay anything should not have gotten those tax credits. Why would a good leader encourage a person living on the system to not get off their but.

Back to the subject of religion, Bush has not forced religion on anyone, but has said people should be free to chose for themselves. Kerry on religion, he claims to be devout catholic only as an attempt to gain votes, just like he dresses up in camo to "hunt".

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry



George Bush gave money back to American working tax payers. Those who did not work or had no children and did not pay anything should not have gotten those tax credits. Why would a good leader encourage a person living on the system to not get off their but.

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"The CBO study, due to be released today, found that the wealthiest 20 percent, whose incomes averaged $182,700 in 2001, saw their share of federal taxes drop from 64.4 percent of total tax payments in 2001 to 63.5 percent this year. The top 1 percent, earning $1.1 million, saw their share fall to 20.1 percent of the total, from 22.2 percent.

Over that same period, taxpayers with incomes from around $51,500 to around $75,600 saw their share of federal tax payments increase. Households earning around $75,600 saw their tax burden jump the most, from 18.7 percent of all taxes to 19.5 percent. "

Washington Post 8/13/04

Sure, he gave money back to the richest taxpayers.

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Based on the numbers you provide, the richest 20 percent of the population is shouldering 63 + percent of the tax burden.....and they got more money back because of a tax break.....even though they paid more to begin with...............oh the horror!

It's time for a flat tax, 10 or 12 percent straight across the board. The poorest pay the same as the richest. Let's hear them cry then.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


Sure, he gave money back to the richest taxpayers.

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Why does this keep coming up? Guess those of us who got some of our own money back are among the rich. Funny really, thought we were in the low end of middle income, but we got money back so you are saying we are rich. Sounds like something Kerry keeps saying.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry


Thats the fallacy of the whole arguement though. The issue is not the $300/$600 bucks you got back. The issue is the tax structure that you pay taxes on in the future.

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Where are you coming up with this non-sense. The tax cuts helped my family and it was a bit more than $300 more that we got back due to the changes.

Check out the IRS pages on the tax cuts and then come back and tell me about the tax structure. I have already read through them and have seen for myself that my family will continue to further benefit from the changes as we already have and will well into the future.

The issue at hand in this post referred to John Kerry's faith. I dont think he has any faith. Not for me to judge, but I do not believe he is a devout catholic(christian denomination) as he claimed to be in the debates. Nor do I believe he is an avid hunter as he claims to be. What I do think he is, is an oportunistic phony who has exploited his way to where he is, who will say anything to sway any voters he can. Just my opinion.

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Re: The Faith of John Kerry

I think you are confusing only yourself here heed. Buddy you are as bad as John Kerry. First you say the cuts were for the rich, then you say people only got $300, then you say well the richest benefitted the most. SO WHAT if the rich got more back. The rich in case you have not noticed are the ones for the most part signing the working class guys checks! They deserved it more than those who do not get off their rears and sit around drawing a check and do not pay anything at all. In my honest opinion those leeching welfare pieces of crap living off the system who are capable of working and will not should not have gotten and should not get any further help than they are already getting. There are too many people out there that have no motivation and giving those with no ambition or motivation to do anything more than draw a check in the way of tax relief or rebates is a mistake in my eyes.

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