Knight & Hale Tube Call HELP!

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I got one and it takes some practice. This is the green camo tube with the black band and latex. It will take some getting use to putting your lips in the right spot. More often that not it seems you vibrate the hect out of your lips and don't get the right sound.

I follow most of the instructions on the back of the package. For gobble sounds its saying quick "tooka, tooka, tooka" in a row. Takes some practice that is for sure. Once you do get it working with clucks and putts it sure makes a sweet sound and gets very loud. It all comes down to placing your lips on the latex and black band correctly and almost working it like a mouth call. Its one of those calls that hard to explain unless your standing next to the person trying it.

Practice with it and read the back of the package, that is how I got it to make decent sounds.

Hope I was of some help. More often than not you can go to the site and in their forums they may have this topic there. At one point they showed on their site how to make one out of a used film canister and latex.

Good Luck,


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