Trade or Selling:Reminton 700ML


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I am thinking real hard about trading my ML for a good quality traditional bow.

I have a Remington Model 700ML, 50 cal., synthetic camo stock, black matte finish, see threw 1" scope rings (mounted), all cleaning accessaries that came with it, box and paper work, near full box of Pyrodex 50/50 pellets (50 grains), full container of #11 caps, partial packs of .50 cal Power Belts and ShockWaves.

Only selling or trading as a package deal but truely would prefer and good even trade on a nice recurve or long bow. I am wanting something about 60# to 65#@28 draw length.

I am wanting $350.

Plus shipping.

I'll pay shipping for trades.

(I will post pics by end of week)

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Re: Trade or Selling:Reminton 700ML

Here is the pic I promised.

I included things I did not have listed earlier too. This ML is sighted in for 100 yards with two 50 grain pellets and a 250 grain ShockWave.

I am including an assortment of sabots so you can try different things.

This is a good deal if your willing to swap a nice recurve or long bow.


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