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Re: Spanking?

Yep, I got my rear warmed up on several occasions and I cant think of once that I didn't deserve it. I will discipline my children also.

I harbor no hard feelings toward my parents. Everything they did help to mold me for today. Unlike a lot of todays generations I understood (and still do) that all of my actions have consequences, both good and bad.

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Guest okladeerhunter

Re: Spanking?

I had my butt warmed up a time or two,well maybe more than that LOL.

And yep I will my kids too. I feel that there is nothing wrong with it I am OK and harbor no hard feelings tward my parents either. wink.gif

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Re: Spanking?

There's no telling how many times my dad's belt kept me out of jail, or worse. Just the thought of my dad coming home kept me in line. LOL (And the fact that my mom never could keep a secret)

And I plan on spanking enough to plant that same fear in my kids.

[ 05-22-2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Racksup ]

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Guest beardsNspurs

Re: Spanking?

I did also...and have my daughter. Most of the time I try sittin her down and talking with her. But sometimes that just doesn't work....thats when the spanking comes in. I do it more than anything just to get her attention and let her know I'm serious in what I'm telling her. But more times than not she knows when she's in trouble before I say anything to her about it!

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Re: Spanking?

Well, I sat back and watched this thread from the start and decided to wait on my input, and give everyone else a chance to put in theirs.

I, as some of you may know, was abused verbally and physically as a child. I think my Mom got the worst of it for trying to stick up for us.

With that said ...I still believe a spanking has it's place in disipline...but..on a very limited scale.(very limited)

The only time I think calls for a slap on the butt, is if your child outright defies your authority when a kid says NO to you for the first time. Some folks seem to think it's cute or funny, but that NO needs to be nipped in the butt at a young age.

That is the only thing I have ever spanked for and I never did it in anger.

All the other things can be dealt with in other ways, but it is still dealt with.

Disipline, doesn't have to be a physical confrontation all the time.

Any more than 1 or 2 slaps on the butt cheeks is abusing your authority and getting carried away.. (I think)

We certainly were hard on my daughter growing up, as far as disipline goes, but it was rare if she got a spanking....really rare.

Something I think that's worse than getting beaten, is getting screamed at, cursed out and threatened by a parent. That can leave more scares than anything physical ever could.

Disipline is a must, but it doesn't have to be physical. The problem with most folks is they figure a spanking is a quick fix and the answer for's not

Diana and I sent our daughter to her room a lot and she wasn't aloud out until she had a change of heart and apologized etc. Then after she said she was sorry, we would sit her down and have a good talk (not a yelling match) just a good talk, so that she knew exactly where we were coming from.

The bible talks about sparing the rod and spoiling the child...but it also mentions "thy rod and thy staff...they comfort me"

I pondered this over for years because of the abuse that I suffered and came to the conclusion, that the ROD of correction, does not have to be a stick, or a belt, ...the ROD of correction is Gods word, "the truth".

There are time though, where a smack on the old behind is needed to get their attention long enough to get the truth across to them.

So, Jimt....I'm kind of with you on this issue, but I still think there is a place for a slap on the behind.....not to try to inflict as much pain as you can on a child, but to get their attention,

Enough said from me....(I still hurt) frown.gif daughter is 24 and she has not been into drugs or heavy drinking...she is living on her own with a good job, which she works very hard at. She has good self-esteme, comes to visit 4-5 times every week, good sence of humour, loves the Lord and is firmly planted .....and she loves me and thanks me for disiplining her as a child and into her teens.

We have talked about spankings with her and she says she doesn't even remember them...(that's how few we had to give.)

[ 05-22-2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]

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Re: Spanking?

I was given every oppotunity to behave before the options ran out and I got spanked, but you know I never did that again. It was rare I can count only a half dozen times at most. It was a last option but as I was told if it won't go in one end it will go in through the other.


[ 05-22-2003, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: archerjg ]

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Re: Spanking?

The problem with a lot of parents now-a-days is they won't spank their kids or that's all they do, because they won't take the time to think up any good disiplinary measures for their child or take the time out of their "BUSY SCHEDULE" TO TALK TO THEIR KIDS, so they resort to frustration and scream obsenities and threats to their children. ....

All they end up with are spoiled little, louder than Mom or Dad, brats.

[ 05-22-2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]

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Re: Spanking?

I was never "beaten" as a child, a term a few of you choose to use. I'll admit, I was a pretty bad kid at times. But, once the precident was set, and I was in that situation, I always remembered the few times I was spanked and whatever I was planning on doing seemed far less enjoyable.

I also think it's very irresponsible throwing around words "beating" and "hit" with little regard to context. A spanking is not a beating by any means. A spanking is a last resort after all else has failed. I expect better from you people and that is a very questionable choice of words.

No one in this thread even remotely suggested beating their children.

Edit: I still love you guys though. grin.gif

[ 05-22-2003, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Racksup ]

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Re: Spanking?

hmmm, don't know why i'm surprised at the answers, but i am. probably because i didn't qualify my definition of spanking, and how much i was spanked. and like racksie and buckee say, there's a difference between a spank and abuse.

i can only remember my dad losing it once, and in that case i was beat, but, looking back, i deserved it. it scared me more than anything. but we joke about that now at family reunions.

as far as my kids go, a spanking consists of one swat on the behind. i only regret one spanking that i gave to my son one day.

i can't remember the last time i spanked one of my children. the 3 older ones haven't been swatted in well over a year. groundings and restrictions are the name of the game now.

yeah i've been trained in child psychology and the notion that spanking is condoning violence and adults losing control and the ideas that jimt is talking about. i say if you can get through child rearing and don't have to spank your child, you're luckier than i am, because there have been times where my kids deserved an attention getter, especially the boys. i'll bet i've only spanked my little girl 5 or 6 times, she's just naturally better behaved. i have a friend who's never spanked his little girl and she's never needed it, she's an angel.

so, i'm sorry if this struck nerves with some, especially buckee and anyone else who might have been abused as a child. i truly didn't mean to dig up old memories, i was just curious as to some of your discipline strategies.

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Re: Spanking?

Hey need to apologize buddy. I think this is a great post.

Makes everyone sit back and think.

As far as digging up old memories...they are always there need to dig nothing up.

My Mom gave her share of spankings to us kids ...but they were just that ..spankings and never in anger. A wack on the butt to get our attention, when all else failed.She (of course) wasn't the kind of Mom who would say wait till your Father gets home, because she was afraid for us.

Sure miss her ....I was lucky to have such a loving Mother. wink.gif

This is a Darned good thread Tom...don't apologize grin.gif ...and don't feel sorry for me, because I can do that one all by myself...OK...LOL

[ 05-22-2003, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]

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