Is It possible? 1 acre

Guest Bowhunter2114

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Is it possible to clear a field with a bunch of 1 inch diameter trees? Also there Is a few bigger.

My neighbors field has been setting without anything done for 6 years. I would love to plant a food plot there and they said it would be fine if I could get it clear. I don't care how much work is needed I just want to know can it be done and if so what Kind of steps should be taken?

Like I said there are A bunch of 1inch round trees also A good many 2-3 inch trees and a few no bigger than 5inch diameter(Probably 4)

This is for about an acre, Just give me an idea of what the steps would be, It does have some heavy growth

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

thanks guys this helps a ton but I still need more. I don't have access to a dozer plus I wouldn't be able to get it back there. I will probably leave the really big trees there. The smaller 1 inchers (Tons of them) I will borrow a Bush-hog from a nearby farm (friends with plenty) but will the roots effect plowing? I would think they would. I plan on doing this right...

Since there is a lot of woods around I would imagine the Acidity will be high so I will lime it (Very cheap) and so on. My biggest problem is getting all these trees out.

It's perfect for a food plot I CAN'T WAIT... it's very secluded and the deer have a routine trail through there already.

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

if you dont get the stumps out it would be really hard to plow and plant on it. maybe cut all the trees down and then do your best with a weed wacker and a rake to get some dirt showing and then lime fertilize and plant, most likely you will get about 60% growth, and keep overseeding and a few years later it will be sweet

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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

I have a spot about an acre in size that i cleared in the woods and put a plot in.Had to cut a few trees and pull a few stumps out.Did all the work with chainsaw,tree clippers,little raking,4 wheeler and a disc drag.Turned out great and was cheap and easy.



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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

If you have access to a brush saw...(the kind with a blade that goes on a weedwacker) You could clear all of the 1 inch and 3 inch trees down to the nub with it. You might be able to rent one from a local equipment shop for a small fee. If you don't have heavy equipment then the brush saw will work wonders. The roots are another story. Gonna have to have something pretty big to get all those out. Good luck!

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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

The kubota with the loader would clear that out in a hurry. For small trees like that a D-3 would be plenty big enough, if you wanted to rent a dozer, and you could get it anywhere you could get a tractor. Last time I rented a D-5 size dozer cost me I think $350 for 8 hours.

For no bigger than a 1 inch tree a good heavy duty bushhog like a woods or a howse heavy duty would work wonders too, but you do run the risk of tearing up a bushhog not intended for clipping trees. Not so sure I would use borrowed equipment like that for cutting down trees, just be careful if you do.

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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre


my only advice...cut them down little at a time

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YES, YES, YES!!!! When we had someone cut trees for our food plot he cut them all at once. We had trees ALL OVER EVERYWHERE!!!! It was a mess and hard to work with.

Our food plot is a little smaller than an acre and it is worth every drop of sweat.


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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

I would probably rent a little bobcat and doze it if there were more than 100 trees or so. Otherwise I'd hook them up to one of my tractors and pull them, then treat with Roundup.

I would think you'd have to get rid of the root system pretty well in order to have a decent food plot and no regrowth of the old trees. If you bush hog maples, and ash, they'll just grow back if you don't get the root.

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

I might possably be able to get a small dozer I will have to see because that is the only way to get all them roots out of there. There is way to many trees to pull out

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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre

Whatever you do, do it quick. I am trying to get permission to hunt that funnel just NW of your proposed food plot, and the extra traffic would be great! (Kidding, but that spot jumped out at me on your aerial pic.)

You could rent a stump grinder or pull 'em out with a tractor. If you do that, don't cut it too short, leave a nice chunk of trunk to hook your chain to.


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Re: Is It possible? 1 acre


Will the plow go through the roots of the little trees?

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A disc will cut up small roots somewhat and loosen them up. Our grower plot is where an overgrown brush pile used to sit and there were trees of all sizes. I cleared hundreds of trees out of that pile with the tractor and pushed them up and burned them. Then disced several times and pulled the loose roots I could get out. If you leave some roots and trees do start to grow back some it will not hurt really. You have to remember that you are probably going to be mowing the plot and even if a little sprout of a hickory or maples pops up which I have had in my plots before, you cut enough times, and eventually it will die.

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