This Is killing me


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Man all my friends are hunting. So far between 3 of my friend! They have bagged four birds! 3 long beards and a Jake. I cant stand it! My job is killing me here! What SUCKS EVER WORSE is i have to work Saturday! In not sure how much of this I can handle! I cant Stand working on Construction sites! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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Re: This Is killing me

Remember Ryan, its the jobs we hate that pay for the licenses, hunting gear, and trips to the woods.

So when you get a chance to go, enjoy the moment, cherish the outdoors. We're all pretty lucky though as most don't get to share our love of turkey hunting or even the outdoors. They work all the time or just live in the city and never experience a fly down or a gobbler gobbling back at you at 20 yards. The turkeys will be there for you buddy and I'm sure you will get a big one for our team!!

Good luck hunting when you go!!


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Re: This Is killing me


Remember Ryan, its the jobs we hate that pay for the licenses, hunting gear, and trips to the woods.

So when you get a chance to go, enjoy the moment, cherish the outdoors. We're all pretty lucky though as most don't get to share our love of turkey hunting or even the outdoors. They work all the time or just live in the city and never experience a fly down or a gobbler gobbling back at you at 20 yards. The turkeys will be there for you buddy and I'm sure you will get a big one for our team!!

Good luck hunting when you go!!


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Man Alive you just hit me with a big reality check! Thanks man I needed that! Ok its not so bad after all!

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Re: This Is killing me



Remember Ryan, its the jobs we hate that pay for the licenses, hunting gear, and trips to the woods.

So when you get a chance to go, enjoy the moment, cherish the outdoors. We're all pretty lucky though as most don't get to share our love of turkey hunting or even the outdoors. They work all the time or just live in the city and never experience a fly down or a gobbler gobbling back at you at 20 yards. The turkeys will be there for you buddy and I'm sure you will get a big one for our team!!

Good luck hunting when you go!!


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Man Alive you just hit me with a big reality check! Thanks man I needed that! Ok its not so bad after all!

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I hear ya Ryan, just started back at the golf course means six days aweek and only one day to chase the birds.

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Guest WhiteHead

Re: This Is killing me

KYstrutter, Man I was thr only one thats hen pecked! I will get to hunt a little, but IT will be great when i do go, bird or not!

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Re: This Is killing me

Yea but here is the Problem with me!

I CANT LEAVE or take off! This project is CRAZY! If I leave and they need something from me! It could cost the refinery $10,000-100,000 an hour! Just waiting on me!

THis is a SERIOUS project! Thats why it sucks! I CANT TAKE OFF! LOL

Ok im done!

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