Bore Snake for 835


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Since the 835 is over-bored, I would need a 10 gauge Bore Snake for it, right? I like them for a final clean after running solvent and dry patches down the barrel.

I also tried out some Outers Foaming Bore Cleaner. I think I'd rather stick with Nitro Solvent. wink.gif Have to wait 30 minutes after applying and it doesn't clean it out real well.

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Re: Bore Snake for 835


Chrud Id stick to the 12 guage bore snake......I only use mine for the final pass and use a 20 guage model in a 12 and it gets the job done.......I think you would have a #$%^ of a time pulling a 10 guage snake through a 12 guage tube....JMO though.

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Think I'd agree Matt. I think overboring is just past the forcing cone, but not sure (but I'm betting AJ knows wink.gif), and therefore most of your barrel is typical 12 gauge dimensions. Otherwise, I think your 12 guage is actually a 10 gauge with a really tight choke on the end. crazy.gif

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Re: Bore Snake for 835

Time to use the executive veto power. ooo.gif Get the 10 ga one. But, its a 12 ga you say. confused.gif OK I will elaborate.

Nominal bore diameter for a 12 ga shotgun is 0.730". The nominal bore diameter of the 10 ga is 0.770". The Mossberg 835 and 935 guns both have bore diameters of 0.775". This bore diameter goes from the end of the forcing cone all the way to the choke.

So, lets summarize, since the Mossberg 835/935 has 10 ga bore measurements, you should use the 10 ga cleaning stuff. grin.gif

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Re: Bore Snake for 835


Time to use the executive veto power. ooo.gif Get the 10 ga one. But, its a 12 ga you say. confused.gif OK I will elaborate.

Nominal bore diameter for a 12 ga shotgun is 0.730". The nominal bore diameter of the 10 ga is 0.770". The Mossberg 835 and 935 guns both have bore diameters of 0.775". This bore diameter goes from the end of the forcing cone all the way to the choke.

So, lets summarize, since the Mossberg 835/935 has 10 ga bore measurements, you should use the 10 ga cleaning stuff. grin.gif

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See, told you! grin.gif

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Re: Bore Snake for 835



Time to use the executive veto power. ooo.gif Get the 10 ga one. But, its a 12 ga you say. confused.gif OK I will elaborate.

Nominal bore diameter for a 12 ga shotgun is 0.730". The nominal bore diameter of the 10 ga is 0.770". The Mossberg 835 and 935 guns both have bore diameters of 0.775". This bore diameter goes from the end of the forcing cone all the way to the choke.

So, lets summarize, since the Mossberg 835/935 has 10 ga bore measurements, you should use the 10 ga cleaning stuff. grin.gif

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See, told you! grin.gif

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LMBO grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Bore Snake for 835


Chrud Id stick to the 12 guage bore snake......I only use mine for the final pass and use a 20 guage model in a 12 and it gets the job done.......I think you would have a #$%^ of a time pulling a 10 guage snake through a 12 guage tube....JMO though.

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I pulled my 12 guage bore-snake through my Browning 12 gauge! Man! I thought my fingers were going to rip off the first time I tried it!

But I see AJ shed some light on this! Cool, so I guess I will need the 10 guage one for the 835. Does that also apply to the cleaning supplies AJ, like the wire brushes?

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Re: Bore Snake for 835

Nope, they use the regular 12 ga one. They do have backbored barrels but they are .740" or so. I have a custom Stan Baker unsingle for my 3200 and it has a .745" bore and the plain old 12 ga snake works great.

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