2 Okie longbeards down!


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Well, finally got my first turkey. Finally got some answers, but they were with hens (saw some in a big field), so we stalked them. Came up a creek bank below my tom at 43 yards. 8 1/2" beard 3/4" spurs, 17 lbs. Not a monster, but a heck of a first bird. This is a gorgeous bird guys. Really looking forward to getting the fan hanging in my room!

Next, we went to a spot where we saw 4 toms yesterday, and driving up my buddy saw some toms. we got out and I took a pic of them (somewhere around the neighborhood of 400 yards away) and we couldn't move. We tried heading them off, called, and the hens led them the other way, tried heading them off again, can't do. My buddy spooked a tom and we thought the day was over, but we couldn't figure out where all the other birds were!! We snuck over the hill and I stayed back a ways while Shane crawled farther in. He was finally out of my sight and I heard him shoot. He smoked a longbeard at 10 yards! Great hunt, and I condenses it way down because I'm not really in the mood, after hearing about my grandma getting worse. frown.gif Anyway, here are some pics I took. My buddy has some more pics on his cam that I'll get tomorrow probably.

Here's my bird. Killed on the OTHER side of the field behind me. WAY over there....




Now, here's the 2nd group of birds we stalked (after I got mine) from a distance of about 400 yards.


Here is a picture about 1 1/2 hours into the stalk, after we work all the way BEHIND the hill in the picture. This is my buddy putting the sneak on em. Check out that view. Couldn't ask for a prettier place to harvest a gorgeous bird.


Here is a picture of where my buddy was sitting and where the tom was when it all went down. Wish I could have seen it! Said there were 3 strutters and then a hen at 6 yards!! He shot his at 10.


And here is my buddy with his bird. He's got more pics on his camera and he's putting them on disk for me tomorrow. I am having this picture blown up and framed for him....he doesn't know it yet. wink.gif Turned out AWESOME if you ask me....


What a great day to be turkey hunting. Sorry I didn't elaborate more, I'm just a little depressed after hearing about Grandma.... frown.gif

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Re: 2 Okie longbeards down!

Congradulations on two great Oklahoma longbeards.

With the hogh winds and colder weather. I would say you did great.

Good job Ryan

Big bucks and big turkeys, you getting to be quite the hunter. I had no doubt that would be the case.

Wish more young hunters had your passion

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Re: 2 Okie longbeards down!

Sounds like all that shoulder pounding paid off with you thumping him at 43 yards. Congrats! That's a very nice tom! laugh.gif A big plus for both you and your buddy to get nice toms on the same day.

Sorry to hear about your grandma. I'll keep her in my prayers.

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Guest buckifan21

Re: 2 Okie longbeards down!

congratulations on a great hunt! looks like you have a beautiful piece of land to hunt on.

you're grandma will be in all our prayers

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