Indiana Fall turkey hunt

brad dryden

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Has everyone seen where we can hunt in the fall now now we can shoot hens in the fall or a bearded turkey unless you shot a bearded in the spring.

Wild Turkey


April 27, 2005- May 15, 2005 1 bearded or male turkey per season

Fall - Archery*

Oct. 1, 2005 - Oct. 23, 2005 One bird of either sex per hunter each fall

Fall - Firearm*

Oct. 19, 2005 - Oct. 23, 2005 One bird of either sex per hunter each fall

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Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

First, you can still shoot a bearded bird (or a hen) in the fall regardless if you shot a bearded bird in the spring. The fall turkey tag is a completely separate tag from the spring tag.

Second, yes there will be a fall season. However, none of us will know what counties will get the fall season until the spring 2005 harvest numbers have been evaluated by the IDNR. We'll probably know sometime in June.

Good luck and be safe out there.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

the only time i would hunt turkeys in the fall would be in the tree stand in deer bow seasion. just a nother added plus. dnr made our turkey seasion come in late this year just for the purpose of the new fall seasion. thet dont alot of birds killed in the spring. birds hear have been breeding for the last two weeks or more. they might be over it by the time seasion comes in ( really sucks)

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Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

Indiana sets the spring turkey season every year as the first Wednesday AFTER April 20th. It has been this way for a number of years.

The season is late this year simply due to the way the callendar fell. It has nothing to do with a fall season.

Actually, I bet you will see a good harvest because of the slight delay in the start. Typically the gobblers are very henned up the first week or so and hard to call away from the hens, until noon time or so. Being a little later, more hens will be done breeding, so toms will be searching for those remaining hens to be breed.

I'm actually looking forward to a little later season.

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Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt


Second, yes there will be a fall season. However, none of us will know what counties will get the fall season until the spring 2005 harvest numbers have been evaluated by the IDNR. We'll probably know sometime in June.

Good luck and be safe out there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Know sometime in June lol........Things move soooo ssssllllllloooowwwwww in this "state"........WE MAY NOT FIND OUT THE COUNTIES WE CAN HUNT UNTIL LATE NOVEMBER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

thats a good point goosesmasher. im ready to try my bow out on a turkey out of my deer stand while hunting for deer. might help you stay in the stand longer.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

Well i would think the either sex tag would be great for you guys, i know in new york we are constantly over run with hens!! I take 2 every fall unless i run across a big gobbler first. Like this morning i went out scouting and saw 2 toms with 12 hens, between my family last fall we took 8 hens off the property.

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Re: Indiana Fall turkey hunt

Yes, Indiana is considering another license increase. In all likely hood, that will go through.

Lifetime license sales end June 30, 2005. Get them before they are gone forever!

As lifetime holders (myself included) we will not be charged a difference in price. Part of the terms under which we purchased the licenses is that there will never be an increase and the licenses cover all future Indiana game tags and seasons. It was in the documents we signed at the time of the purchase. An example is the upcoming fall season, the additional tag/season does not cost lifetime holders a dime.

HOWEVER, as it has been explained to me, it is possible through an act of the Indiana House & Senate, that an amendment be passed to which we lifetime license holders would be imposed fee increases. Unlikely, but it is possible none the less. I would not worry too much about it.

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