Federal Flite-Control-WOW!*Pics added*


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I got two gobblers Monday, both 18 pounders with 9"beards and 3/4" spurs. But I wanted to tell ya'll about the shot that took the second one. I cleaned the first one already, and me and a buddy carried the guts down a dirt road to a field to bury them. I hit the slate call when I got there and heard a gobble on the next field over. We sneaked over to it and saw a gobbler strutting on the other side of the field, about 250 yards off. We called him for several minutes but he wouldn't come our way. Then we saw a bird cross the dirt road into the field about 400-450 yards off. We could barely hear him gobbling. I had already called him in once at the same setup the week before for my brother, and he missed. I was afraid he would hang up, so I got him coming and then stopped calling. He slowly closed the distance, strutting and gobbling his way across the field. Finally he got to within what I thought was 50-55 yards. I had patterned my Mossberg 835 and was confident out to at least 50 with it. I wanted him to come a little bit closer, but he either spooked at a truck that came down the road or saw one of them, I'm not sure. Anyway, he started to head the other way. My buddy hit the slate to pick up his head, and I shot. He crumpled. After we ran out to him and tagged him, we turned around and looked at the woodline. It looked a lot further than it did from the woods! So I paced it off. It was 74 paces. I am 6'1" and my step is right at one yard. I couldn't believe that he dropped like that. I wouldn't normally take a shot that far away, but I honestly thought he was within 55 yards, so did my buddy. It was probably a lot of luck, but I now believe in the Federal Flite-Control 3 1/2" #5's!

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Re: Federal Flite-Control-WOW!*Pics added*

Chrud, that's my good luck hunting hat! I have shot most of my best deer and turkeys while wearing it.

Silentgate, I am using the ulti-mag turkey choke that came with the gun. I was gonna get something else, but after patterning and hunting with it I think it will stay in there! I have shot the flite-controls in several different guns, and they seem to shoot worse with the XXfull aftermarket turkey chokes. Try shooting them with a standard full choke. Look for one of your wads-with the tube-shaped flitecontrol wads, you can tell if you are compressing your shot too much.

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Re: Federal Flite-Control-WOW!*Pics added*

Congrats on a couple of very nice birds!

That second one was a looooong waaaaay out there. Sounds like you've got a set up that really shoots. Glad you killed him cleanly with misjudging the distance. Maybe a bit lucky, but us turkey hunters will take luck when it's given to us. wink.gif Misjudging distance happens to all of us. Especially when doing a quick set up when we've got a bird coming quickly. That's why I try to keep my shots at 35 yards or less. Gives me more wiggle room if I misjudge the distance in my excitement.

My setup seems to like those Federal #5 FC HV loads in the 3" version.

Congrats again!


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