turkey banquets

Guest buckchaser

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Re: turkey banquets

I have attended a few of them! I really enjoyed them alot! They have lots of neat items you can bid on and try to buy! Also some really cool raffles to win certain things! Just like the NWTF Turkey gun! ITsa sweet gun!

I didnt get to make to one the last two years! I had been busy with work and other things!

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Guest buckchaser

Re: turkey banquets

i've been a commitee worker since 1995 we have a lot of fun putting the banquet together our's is tomorrow i can't wait!

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: turkey banquets

My 1st year as a committee member. Our chapter is 5 years old. I've been to 3 of the banquets----this year I got on the board. We had ours on 3/26. It was the highest in attendance & made the most money of any of the past 5 years. What I like out the NTWF is that most of the money from the banqet comes back to the local community. I like my money to do local projects----ones that will benefit the birds I hunt.

FYI----I bought 3 hunts at our banquet---1 was a turkey hunt here locally, 2 was a TX hog hunt--I'm hoping to combine that with a spring Rio Grande gobbler. 3 was a 5 day guided NM elk hunt in the Gila Wilderness.

IMO---the NWTF is the best of the bunch !!

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