Start the Day with 0, End Day with 2 Mathews!


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I ordered a Switchback today, 70 pounds, 28" and 65% let-off. I could have bought one with 80% let-off, but some states don't allow more than 65% let-off, so that is why I go with 65%. Also ordered a Detatchable One Piece ArrowWeb Quiver. Was going to get a '05 Micro HD rest, but thinking about the Schaffer MAT-1 instead.

Also getting "MY" Q2XL back from Gary. grin.gif Ordered a 28" cam for that also. I will probably outfit that as I can, it'll be my target bow. So, it isn't a must to have it outfitted immedately.

I'm happy! grin.gifcool.gif Shot the Switchback again today. That bow is so smooth, quiet and vibration free. It is by far the best bow I've ever shot. Mathews has really come out with a monster here. The speed of the LX, the smoothness of the Outback...a super bow! grin.gif It'll probably be a couple weeks before everything comes in. It's going to be a long wait. grin.gif

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Re: Start the Day with 0, End Day with 2 Mathews!

Ya that Q2XL just didn't look right hanging on my wall grin.gif Once turkey season is over I'll be selling my Legacy (in case anyones looking wink.gif) and be getting myself a Switchback too. I broke my rule of not trying out the new bows and look what happened to me frown.gifblush.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

Congrats Chrud

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Re: Start the Day with 0, End Day with 2 Mathews!

Looking at your signature Gary...the Switchback is something you WANT and NEED! grin.gif

Heck, if you guys only knew what I went through to get this Q2XL back from Gary. Had to tell him the story about the big sigh the crowd let out when they announced his name and all sorts of other things. I tell ya. grin.giftongue.gifwink.gif

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Re: Start the Day with 0, End Day with 2 Mathews!


WOW!!!!! Check out the FAT WALLET on CHRUD!!!! grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Debit card. grin.gif I don't use credit cards, just debit cards. So, it's all paid for and then some. My wallet will get highly deflated when I purchase my hunting and fishing licenses for the year. blush.gif

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